Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Avoid a Divorce - Steps to Take to Rebuild Your Marriage

You're wondering how to avoid a divorce.
Your marriage is crumbling, isn't it? Try as you might you can't figure out exactly what to do to save it.
Maybe you've talked to your partner about the state of your relationship or perhaps the two of you are just going through the motions, ignoring the fact that your relationship is quickly slipping into the abyss of divorce.
It doesn't have to be this way.
You don't have to give up.
If you love your partner and you want your marriage to not only survive, but thrive, do something about it.
You have the ability to change the future for both you and your spouse.
You can stay together and live a life that is happier than either of you ever imagined.
Learning how to avoid a divorce has a great deal to do with facing your problems head on.
We often shy away from talking to our spouse about what's troubling the marriage because we fear that we'll upset them and it will initiate a series of events that culminates in a huge fight.
Feelings will inevitably be hurt and the two of you will be further apart than you are now.
That's the very reason you do need to communicate but in a very specific way.
You have to agree to let go of all of your resentments.
Explain to your spouse that you're intent on rebuilding the marriage and you promise not to interrupt them when they're sharing their feelings.
Then follow through with that.
Listen carefully to what your spouse tells you about what they're feeling.
Learn from it and make changes so they feel more connected to you.
View their words as a life raft.
If you use that knowledge effectively, the marriage can survive.
Now is the time for you to shift your priorities.
If you and your spouse aren't devoting quality time to each other anymore, the relationship can't really grow.
You need to start viewing your marriage as the most important thing in your life.
Obviously, you can't just neglect your work or your children but just as you make time for them, you have to make time for your spouse.
Schedule uninterrupted time for the two of you to do the things you enjoy.
That might mean going out to dinner or perhaps settling onto the sofa after the children have gone to bed to watch a movie together.
The key is to reconnect again.
You have to get to know your spouse again if you want to avoid a divorce and ensure your relationship grows.
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