- 1). Choose a glue that works well with foam; most craft adhesives labeled tacky glue will work. Plain white school glue will not.
- 2). Pour a puddle of glue onto the paper plate. Dab the foam brush into the glue, then brush a thick layer of glue onto a foam ball. Cover half of the ball with glue, and leave the other half plain.
- 3). Apply the decorative items to the glue, placing them close together so they overlap and cover the ball entirely. Items that work well with this approach are small and lightweight and include faux flower petals, torn scraps of paper, natural items like acorn caps and glitter.
- 4). Let the glue dry and repeat the process to cover the other side of the ball. Allow the ball to dry, then display on the coffee table as desired.
- 1). Choose items that are small enough to pin on the ball and not distort the shape; good choices include sequins, small buttons and felt or fabric flowers. Foam is dense enough to hold pins securely in place, so no glue is required.
- 2). Slip a bead, sequin or button onto a pin. Stick the pointy end of the pin into the ball.
- 3). Continue adding pins, allowing each item to touch or overlap its neighbor so the foam is entirely hidden. Start at one end of the ball and repeat until the ball is covered.
Decorating With Glue
Decorating With Pins