Did you know that there are a lot of things you can do yourself which can amount to what are probably the best remedies for enlarged prostate? Lifestyle changes may not actually cure, or shrink your enlarged prostate but they will certainly make a great difference to your quality of life.
There are of course other remedies such as medication and surgery.
There are also new exciting developments such as the use of Botox, aspirin and even Viagra but I will deal with those in another article.
So, back to lifestyle changes.
The first change I made was to make sure I had lots of antioxidants in my food to combat the oxidative damage done by the free radicals.
That meant ramping up my intake of fresh vegetables and fruit.
These contain most of the invaluable vitamins and minerals essential for this task.
Then, I made sure that I did some exercises designed to take the weight of gravity off the gland and to encourage blood circulation as well.
You can do this very easily.
Stand with feet apart.
Breathe out.
Place the hands on the lower ribs and feel the air exhale.
Do not inhale at this stage.
Instead, while holding your breath, lift up you rib cage and suck in your stomach at the same time.
Hold this for as long as you can and then breathe in.
You can only do this once or at least twice in quick succession.
You could do the exercise twice or three times a day.
Also doing Kegel exercises can help the gland too.
As I said this may not be one of the best remedies for enlarged prostate but it will definitely help.
So exercise and diet can help a lot.
But what are the best remedies for enlarged prostate? I personally know that the medications prescribed such as the alpha blockers and the alpha reductase inhibitors can have some side effects which may interfere with your sex drive and other areas of your life.
Similarly surgery may lead to complications.
That is why the herbal and homeopathic remedies for enlarged prostate are gaining in popularity as men are becoming wised up as to what is going on and they are unwilling to take sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Some of the surgical procedures are like that.
Personally, I have tried the homeopathic remedies and they can soothe the urinary tract so that the unpleasant burning sensation is relieved.
There are fewer problems in beginning to urinate and also in emptying the bladder at the end so that retention is much less of a problem.
There are less frequent and less urgent visits to the bathroom and you can get back your old lifestyle very quickly.
So, there you have it.
A few lifestyle changes plus the use of homeopathic and herbal remedies could indeed be the best remedies for an enlarged prostate.
You can decide to make the change now so that you can start to get relief very soon.
Why not click through and visit my website where I have outlined the remedies I used?
There are of course other remedies such as medication and surgery.
There are also new exciting developments such as the use of Botox, aspirin and even Viagra but I will deal with those in another article.
So, back to lifestyle changes.
The first change I made was to make sure I had lots of antioxidants in my food to combat the oxidative damage done by the free radicals.
That meant ramping up my intake of fresh vegetables and fruit.
These contain most of the invaluable vitamins and minerals essential for this task.
Then, I made sure that I did some exercises designed to take the weight of gravity off the gland and to encourage blood circulation as well.
You can do this very easily.
Stand with feet apart.
Breathe out.
Place the hands on the lower ribs and feel the air exhale.
Do not inhale at this stage.
Instead, while holding your breath, lift up you rib cage and suck in your stomach at the same time.
Hold this for as long as you can and then breathe in.
You can only do this once or at least twice in quick succession.
You could do the exercise twice or three times a day.
Also doing Kegel exercises can help the gland too.
As I said this may not be one of the best remedies for enlarged prostate but it will definitely help.
So exercise and diet can help a lot.
But what are the best remedies for enlarged prostate? I personally know that the medications prescribed such as the alpha blockers and the alpha reductase inhibitors can have some side effects which may interfere with your sex drive and other areas of your life.
Similarly surgery may lead to complications.
That is why the herbal and homeopathic remedies for enlarged prostate are gaining in popularity as men are becoming wised up as to what is going on and they are unwilling to take sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Some of the surgical procedures are like that.
Personally, I have tried the homeopathic remedies and they can soothe the urinary tract so that the unpleasant burning sensation is relieved.
There are fewer problems in beginning to urinate and also in emptying the bladder at the end so that retention is much less of a problem.
There are less frequent and less urgent visits to the bathroom and you can get back your old lifestyle very quickly.
So, there you have it.
A few lifestyle changes plus the use of homeopathic and herbal remedies could indeed be the best remedies for an enlarged prostate.
You can decide to make the change now so that you can start to get relief very soon.
Why not click through and visit my website where I have outlined the remedies I used?