Pick out any one of the pictures of a beautiful girl with a nice man with a solid background. And another image where the appropriate scenario exists. Instead of the solid canvas the other one will be used. So one background will be removed and then the channels will be made to edit and make the required change. There is one technique, which can change background of hair images. Yes, it can be a little difficult in the beginning but with practice it can be as good as a simple airbrushing job. Basic retouch and advanced features like channels are applied to get professional outcome.
Take a copy of the image and check if any blemishes can be identified. If there are patches or spots they can be cleaned with the eraser tool or with the brush. And once the small irritants are removed the actual work can begin. Open the menu and go straight to the channel mask section. Open and scroll the 4 options-RCB, Red, Green and Blue. Go ahead and check each one out before the start of the work. As the shades of the image change you will realize it is the blue one, which is needed to work with. We work with the background first. Then go into overlay and start with the brush. Use it to darken the rest of the model. When you have done that it emerges as a dark mass with only shape. The swatch of black now is made. Notice on the contours of the shape where some of the black dust can be whitened. Zoom in to check and make sure that the black figure remains without any dust feature surrounding it. Now go back to the menu and click on Image and adjustment levels. Once they are made press ok. Go back to the layer mode. And work on the background channel. Then go back to the blue copy that has been made. The first layer is now the new background for the blue copy. From the normal mode change the feature to multiple modes on the new background. Then go to masks and open the mask edge. The model shape turns white. Select the first option. Then there will be a choice to alter the radius, contrast and expand. Use them judiciously and make the changes required.
As you contract and expand you will see what needs to be adjusted. Press Ok if all alterations are done to satisfaction. Next go to History and click on snap shot. This will help to remove the patches from the hands. Go to hair and press Ok. Then go back to the radius, contrast and expand and rest them. Press Ok and check results. Make a snap shot of the arm. Let the History tool brush go over the arm. Now check if the hair is in place. If it is well placed on the new background check for any residues. If not, the work is done.
The work can be saved in the new file.
Take a copy of the image and check if any blemishes can be identified. If there are patches or spots they can be cleaned with the eraser tool or with the brush. And once the small irritants are removed the actual work can begin. Open the menu and go straight to the channel mask section. Open and scroll the 4 options-RCB, Red, Green and Blue. Go ahead and check each one out before the start of the work. As the shades of the image change you will realize it is the blue one, which is needed to work with. We work with the background first. Then go into overlay and start with the brush. Use it to darken the rest of the model. When you have done that it emerges as a dark mass with only shape. The swatch of black now is made. Notice on the contours of the shape where some of the black dust can be whitened. Zoom in to check and make sure that the black figure remains without any dust feature surrounding it. Now go back to the menu and click on Image and adjustment levels. Once they are made press ok. Go back to the layer mode. And work on the background channel. Then go back to the blue copy that has been made. The first layer is now the new background for the blue copy. From the normal mode change the feature to multiple modes on the new background. Then go to masks and open the mask edge. The model shape turns white. Select the first option. Then there will be a choice to alter the radius, contrast and expand. Use them judiciously and make the changes required.
As you contract and expand you will see what needs to be adjusted. Press Ok if all alterations are done to satisfaction. Next go to History and click on snap shot. This will help to remove the patches from the hands. Go to hair and press Ok. Then go back to the radius, contrast and expand and rest them. Press Ok and check results. Make a snap shot of the arm. Let the History tool brush go over the arm. Now check if the hair is in place. If it is well placed on the new background check for any residues. If not, the work is done.
The work can be saved in the new file.