Health & Medical Men's Health

What You Need to Know About Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an infection of the prostate-small gland in male of the size of a chestnut that produces and secrets semen.
Once your prostate swell, difficulty of emptying the bladder begins.
After which, it becomes the best breeding ground for infection.
For men who suffer Prostatitis, they know how painful and uncomfortable it can be that most give up on treating the disease once it became chronic.
Prostatitis is divided into four categories depending on its cause, symptoms and source of disease.
Category 1 Acute Bacterial Prostatitis is the least common type though the symptoms are quite severe: urgency and frequency to urinate even at night, pain in the pelvis area and genital associated with fever and chills, nausea and vomiting.
When left untreated, it can be fatal due to complications.
Category 2 is Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis which is the result of UTI recurrence that has entered the prostate already.
Symptoms are almost the same with Acute Bacterial Prostatitis though lower in intensity and severity.
Category 3 is Chronic Non-Bacterial Prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain, the most common form of Prostatitis, marked by 3-6 months pain in the urinary tract and genital.
There are signs of inflammation but no bacteria in their urine.
Category 4 is Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis whereas prostate is inflamed but there are no signs of pain or discomfort.
This is usually diagnosed during infertility test or prostate cancer diagnosis.
Prostatitis is a condition that should not be neglected as there are medical consequences that could be serious and fatal.
It is often diagnose through digital rectal exam or DRE, urine and semen test, cytoscopy (to examine the urethra and bladder) and Urodynamic test.
Treatments and medications vary depending on the severity of the disease.
Doctors may recommend anti-inflammatory medicines, antibiotics, pain medications and even muscle relaxants.
At some point surgery is an option where a part of the infected prostate is removed.
Prolonged used of antibiotics and alpha blocker drugs somehow have side effects.
You are relived of the symptoms but the disease does not go away.
Both diagnosis and treatment put you at risks of having erectile dysfunction and incontinence.
Despite how serious Prostatitis is, one must know to balance the pros and cons of the options presented to you.
There are ways to deal with Prostatitis in a better and safer way without compromising your social and sexual life.
You can live a normal life without the pain and discomfort this condition brings.
Oftentimes the easiest solutions are neglected.
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