Technology Programming

Creating a Good Website

Creating a website is not an easy task. You need to have knowledge and skills and a lot of determination and commitment in order for you to come up with a good result. Here are some tips that can help you create a good web site.

1. Keep your navigation simple and make it sure that it is consistent from page to page. Wherever you position your menu bar, either down the side or at the top, do not forget to include a small text menu at the bottom of each page. Also do not design your navigation with a Flash. Individual pages of your web site will not be able to read by search engine spider if your navigation is done in Flash.

2. Make sure you post your contact information at the bottom of every page of your web site. Don't forget to include your e-mail address and hot linked. This will be a lot easier for your web visitors if they want to contact you by sending an e-mail or sending a simple comment.

3. Keep your logos and graphics into a reasonable size. The larger your logo is the longer it will load and your web visitor would be gone by that time. Just in case you can't avoid using a lot of graphics, one good thing you can do is to compress it. Also avoid putting unnecessary logos and graphics.

4. Check your web site in different browsers. You have to make sure that your web site is running without any problems with all those browsers.

5. Don't forget to create privacy policy and post a link to it in every page of your web site. Remember it is important that you protect the privacy of your visitors or else they will just go away and will click another site.

6. If possible, try to include interactive features like discussion boards, chat rooms or news feeds and more. By doing this, it will increase the chance of your web visitors to come back to your site.

7. Make sure that your web site is a stand out from the rest. Make it original and unique. Give your visitors a lot of reasons why they have to stay at your website.

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