Business & Finance Economics

"Why Should the Gas Prices Be Lower?" - A Few Good Reasons

Gas prices lately have been escalating.
They are higher than ever and there seems to be no relief in the near future.
Why should the gas prices be lower? Well, I can think of several reasons...
  I don't believe that there is such a "shortage" of fuel, as the government wants to make us believe.
  I think they are getting rich, lining their pockets with our money.
Let's face the facts here..
if it was true that there was such a shortage, they would be desperate in finding other means of fueling our vehicles.
  They seem immune to all the "big scares" among the community that this world is going to run out of fuel.
If we were actually running out of fuel, that would mean that even the very rich wouldn't be able to get around...
and even if they could..
stores would be out of business, etc.
Where would our food and other needs come from then? I think that someone would desperately be seeking a plan for our future.
  It's killing our economy.
Soon the middle class will be wiped out.
We will only have the rich and the poor.
  With fuel prices increasing, everything increases, except our wages...
so those middle class people who "live comfortably" will find it more and more difficult to make ends meet...
and will soon find themselves scraping just to get by.
  Many businesses will be hurting, more than ever.
  With the rise in gas prices, vendors have to increase their prices to compensate for their extra shipping charges.
In turn, less people are buying things they really aren't "necessities", as they are trying to keep their heads above water with the rising costs all around us.
Why should the gas prices be lower?...
I'm sure many will agree with me.
The higher prices ultimately hurt everyone.
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