In today's unstable economy prices are going higher every year; food, clothes and especially the cost of petrol.
Transportation has always been one big factor that makes it hard to budget for with the petrol prices always rising and surprise repair bills cropping up.
The following tips should help you with keeping your transportation costs down so that they are more affordable and easier to budget for and less surprises cropping up.
In order to maximize saving money you should always make sure to get regular maintenance done on your vehicle.
If your vehicle is well maintained and running well then repair bills will be a lot less and having a well maintained vehicle can save you hundreds of dollars a year in costly repair bills.
You can save even more money if you know how to do the maintenance yourself by not having to bring your car into the shop.
To save even more money you should probably look into buying a used car instead of a new car.
As soon as you drive the car off the lot it loses a lot of its sticker value.
Buying a car even a year old can save you thousands of dollars.
If you can find a well maintained car that's even older than a couple of years you will be able to save even more money as the older the car the cheaper it generally costs.
Make sure to shop around in order to find the best deal on whichever car you choose and take whichever car you choose to a mechanic to have a once over done to ensure that everything is fine working order before you purchase a car.
Having a check done by a professional mechanic will cost you money to have them do the check on the car but having someone that knows what their looking for can save you a lot of money in future repair bills if they find any problems before you purchase the car that you might not have been aware.
If you're buying a used car make sure to inquire about the repair history of the car as well.
One great but often overlooked tip is as you fill up at various gas stations around town keep an eye out for who charges the cheapest prices for petrol and if they accept savings coupons that you can get your hands on or offer discounts or bonuses for filling up with them.
This can save you quite a bit of money if you can find a place that is even a bit cheaper than another gas station that is easy for you to get to.
A seemingly popular scheme is for a grocery to offer fuel savings coupons in an attempt to get you to shop with them so this can be a great way to save money on fuel and groceries.
Getting regular car tune-ups will keep your car working at its optimal gas burning efficiency and making sure to keep your car's tires properly inflated to the proper levels will help you get the most out of your tank of gas.
One of the best ways to save money when it comes to your vehicle is trying to use your car as least as possible by utilising public transport, riding your bike or walking to your destination when you are able will extend the life of your car and extend how long a tank of gas lasts you.
Transportation has always been one big factor that makes it hard to budget for with the petrol prices always rising and surprise repair bills cropping up.
The following tips should help you with keeping your transportation costs down so that they are more affordable and easier to budget for and less surprises cropping up.
In order to maximize saving money you should always make sure to get regular maintenance done on your vehicle.
If your vehicle is well maintained and running well then repair bills will be a lot less and having a well maintained vehicle can save you hundreds of dollars a year in costly repair bills.
You can save even more money if you know how to do the maintenance yourself by not having to bring your car into the shop.
To save even more money you should probably look into buying a used car instead of a new car.
As soon as you drive the car off the lot it loses a lot of its sticker value.
Buying a car even a year old can save you thousands of dollars.
If you can find a well maintained car that's even older than a couple of years you will be able to save even more money as the older the car the cheaper it generally costs.
Make sure to shop around in order to find the best deal on whichever car you choose and take whichever car you choose to a mechanic to have a once over done to ensure that everything is fine working order before you purchase a car.
Having a check done by a professional mechanic will cost you money to have them do the check on the car but having someone that knows what their looking for can save you a lot of money in future repair bills if they find any problems before you purchase the car that you might not have been aware.
If you're buying a used car make sure to inquire about the repair history of the car as well.
One great but often overlooked tip is as you fill up at various gas stations around town keep an eye out for who charges the cheapest prices for petrol and if they accept savings coupons that you can get your hands on or offer discounts or bonuses for filling up with them.
This can save you quite a bit of money if you can find a place that is even a bit cheaper than another gas station that is easy for you to get to.
A seemingly popular scheme is for a grocery to offer fuel savings coupons in an attempt to get you to shop with them so this can be a great way to save money on fuel and groceries.
Getting regular car tune-ups will keep your car working at its optimal gas burning efficiency and making sure to keep your car's tires properly inflated to the proper levels will help you get the most out of your tank of gas.
One of the best ways to save money when it comes to your vehicle is trying to use your car as least as possible by utilising public transport, riding your bike or walking to your destination when you are able will extend the life of your car and extend how long a tank of gas lasts you.