Technology Programming

Features of Good Website Design

How important is any website look and design. If website design is good it left good impression on website visitors. They return back and also reffered to their friends. If website design is not good they never return back on the website. So it very right for the website first impression is the last impression. Each and every type of website require different type of template to attract the people.

Website design is one of the most important parts of any website. Website is as good as it usable. You can easily say that the success of your website depends on website design and usability. Website navigational link should be easy to access and information is precise and clear. Sometimes we will require different type of template for targeted website. For e.g.B2 to B2 website, insurance website, lawyers website, doctors website.

Even good website encourage the visitor to buy or purchase the services. So I would like to suggest some point that are helpful in designing good website.

1) Website Template: - website template help to retain the website visitor. People loves the good website. They are attracted by the images, flashy images and video.

2) Content: - content is the most important part of any website. It is the content that help you in retaining the customer or visitors. Good website design capture the visitor whereas good website content makes the website popular and retain the customer.

3) Seo friendly Design:- if website are designed by following the seo guidelines , it will help in website ranking. Otherwise it is very difficult to get ranking on the search engine like google, yahoo and msn.

4) no broken URL: - re-check your website or remove all dead link because it left very wrong impact on the visitor. It has also bad impact on website ranking in search engine.
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