- Many pinata "species" enjoy plant seeds as a snack.Seeds image by Yuriy Rozanov from Fotolia.com
In Rare's "Viva Pinata" series, players cultivate a unique garden of vegetables, trees and ornamental plants to lure pinata wildlife to call the plot home. Different plants attract a variety of pinatas. For example, planting several ears of corn will cause wild Cluckles pinata chickens to have an interest in the garden. Short and long grass packets provide a quick green groundcover to spruce up a barren garden. Players can apply colored fertilizer to developing plants to cause them to grow more flowers, branches and fruit. - The Pop Cap hit "Plants vs. Zombies" is a tower-defense game where the player defends a location from an impending zombie invasion by strategically tending to special defensive plants. When a match begins, zombies shuffle from the far side of the screen to eat the homeowner inside. The deadly veggies need to be planted tactically in the path of the lumbering undead to stop their advance. Examples of zombie-killing flora include shielding Wall-Nut and the explosive Potato Mine.
- Elemental Plant Warriors take center stage in the Xbox 360 exclusive "Kameo: Elements of Power." Princess Kameo of the Elves must defeat her traitorous sister Kalus and the evil Troll king Thorn by recovering and transforming into the 10 Elemental Warriors. A pair of fighting flora, Pummel Weed and Snare, are essential to complete Kameo's quest. Pummel Weed boxes Trolls with his spiked bulb fists and can maneuver underground past low-hanging obstacles. Snare brutally crunches Trolls foolish enough to engage him in direct combat, and can puke a stream of acidic digestive juice when he is full.
- The "Pokemon" game series consists of a large library of titles on many Nintendo home and portable consoles. In these games, players capture and train monsters to fight rival Pokemon Trainer's beasts. There are dozens of plant-based grass-type Pokemon to find in the wilderness. Grass-types are sun-loving, tricky monsters that can shoot powerful solar beams and emit sleep powder. Every title sports different plant monsters, such as the acid-spitting Victreebel and Carnivine, which is known for its nasty bite.
"Viva Pinata"
"Plants vs. Zombies"
"Kameo: Elements of Power"