Business & Finance Loans

All You Need To Know About No Credit Check Cash Advance

So an emergency just struck your friend who is very special to you? She needs urgent cash but has no relatives who can bail her out.
You could have helped but you are cash strapped yourself! But you don't wish to let her down in such a time of crisis.
What can you do? Where can you go? You can take a loan but alas, you have a bad credit history.
No problem.
No credit check payday loan can help you help your special friend- something you have been trying for so long.
We know that you have many questions: What is this no credit check cash loan? How and where to get this cash advance? What are the charges? Even with a bad credit history, can I get the loan? How much time will it take? And many more! Let's enlighten you about this wonderful creation of the finance industry.
Emergency is the time when you realize how your prudence in spending money could have been your savior.
However, never mind.
Ponder about your budget planning next month.
Now is the time to act.
No credit check cash advance is a very small loan extended for a very short time period.
The amount generally ranges from $100 to $1500.
The period is generally of two weeks.
Such ones can be applied for in person, online or through telephone.
The processing time is short, generally an hour or two.
A Word of Caution Be warned that these loans could cost you heavily because they are very expensive.
The lenders charge anywhere from $10-$30 per $100 that you take.
The lenders justify the fee by saying that this is a high risk lending.
But do you really need such an expensive loan.
If its meant for a real emergency, go ahead.
However, if its for smaller issues and you have other sources of funding, avoid borrowing from these enders.
Minimum Criteria To Qualify You must qualify the following criteria to get the loan:
  • You should be a resident of the US.
  • You should be over 18 years of age.
  • You should have a regular job, earning at least $800.
    Some lenders fix the minimum limit at $1000.
  • You should have been in your job for at least three months.
  • You should have a regular bank account.
  • Document Proof To obtain the cash advance, the following documentation is required to be faxed or sent through e-mail:
  • For employment proof - Your latest salary slip.
  • Bank proof - Your latest bank statement.
  • Routing or fund transfer information- Copy of a canceled pay check.
  • However, no fax no credit payday loan is also offered by many lenders.
    In this case, you do not require faxing any documents to get the approval.
    Applying For The Loan These can be obtained by filling up an online loan request application form.
    Most lenders have online portals that provide information about the ones that they offer along with their charges.
    Within 24 hours of submitting the request, the loan is transferred to your bank account electronically.
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