Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Making Money on the Internet Without Selling

Are you sick and tired of your job? Do you feel trapped? Well, now you can quit if you've had it with your job, without worrying about the finances.
You may even be better off if you switch your career to Internet marketing.
So how can you make money on the Internet without selling? You can start by building your own website.
Tips on How to Make Money on the Internet without Selling There are thousands of ways to make money at home on the web without selling.
Some of the ideas to explain how to generate income on the Internet and not sell a thing are: *Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)--This is one of the most popular techniques to make money at home on the web.
Let's take, for example, Google Adwords.
You may have noticed that when you type a search string on Google, a list of 'sponsored results' comes at the top and the right sides of the page.
PPC advertisers who pay a predetermined price every time you click on those links are responsible for creating those ads.
You can decide where your ad will be placed on the page depending on your marketing budget.
The more you are willing to pay, the higher your ads will be placed.
And the higher your ads are placed, the better the chances of getting noticed.
There are times when Google rewards you for well-written ads.
If people visit your link more than other contending ads, they will raise your ad ranking and charge you less.
*Pay Per Impression (PPI)--In this case, you are paid by the number of times the advertiser's banner is showed on your site.
The amount of money you are eligible to earn is normally calculated on the basis of the number of thousand impressions of the banner.
Impressions refer to the number of times the banner is displayed.
This is often termed as CPM or cost per thousand, where M is Latin numeral for thousand.
For example, $10 CPM means that you get paid $10 for 1,000 displays of the banner.
In reality, the amount paid is generally small, but it is easier to earn since every time a visitor loads the page, you are eligible for commission.
By this method, the more visitors you have on your site, the more money you can make.
Therefore, you need to devise strategies to drive more traffic to your website.
So, you thought Internet marketing was all about selling on the net.
Now that you know how to make money on the Internet without selling, you can reorganize your income generation efforts with the help of two Internet marketing methods.
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