No one that chose affiliate marketing as a full or part business became successful on their own.
You need to know other affiliates and build relationships.
Building relationships is called Networking.
If your just starting out in business as an affiliate marketer, you need and must have advice from other experienced affiliate marketers.
They have a wealth of knowledge to share with you.
Believe me, experienced affiliate marketers are your lifeline.
You can not put a price on their valuable advice.
As a new affiliate marketer, you probability have many ideas on how you should go about making money with your business.
Let these experienced affiliate marketers critique those ideas of yours.
You will be surprised how many of your fellow marketers have "been there, done that".
Where do your start with your networking? In one word, FORUMS.
Affiliate forums to be precise.
Start with the affiliate program that you signed up, with if they have a forum.
Who would know better about how to make money with that affiliate product? Start right in reading what they have to say and post what you want to say.
Start with introducing yourself to the forum members.
Before you start posting, read the forums rules.
Your affiliate program does not have a forum? There are hundreds, even thousands of other affiliate programs you can sign up for.
Networking is actually easy and fun.
No matter what forum you sign up with, read as much as you can.
Other than introducing yourself and telling your fellow forum members a little about yourself, do not post anything just yet.
Read what the other forum members have to say before you post anything.
Get to know something about your fellow members.
By reading the past entries, the topic you have a question about probably has been covered and answered on the forum.
Search the forum for any topics that interest you, that way you will start to know what affiliate marketer(s) share the same interest and you can go to that person and ask questions that you may have and could not find answered anywhere on that forum.
That is called networking! Most of the people you will meet in the forum are already full time affiliate marketers.
Many of them are successful affiliate marketers.
When posting, always be courteous and professional in your questions as well as your statements.
Remember, you are asking these successful people for help in making you successful.
Do not burn any bridges.
Most affiliate marketers are people that will not hesitate to share and exchange ideas as long as the question presented to them is presented in a professional and courteous way.
By networking in forums, you will get a chance to know some very successful affiliate marketers which you will be able to "talk" to directly.
When you start posting, do not forget to create a signature for yourself.
Your signature will tell the other forum members what you do.
If you are networking in a forum that is not part of your affiliate program, just put something like the following: Thank you for letting me post my question, Curtis @ http://www.
com or Thank you for letting me post my opinion, Curtis @ [http://www.
Do not, I will repeat, do not try to sell anything to your forum members.
You can be banished from the forum.
Knowing the forum rules is very important.
Each forum has an affiliate manager who looks after the forum.
The affiliate manager reviews all the posting and even jumps in from time to time to help out with a question.
The affiliate manager of your affiliate program has a very high interest in your success.
Now there is a person who has a wealth of knowledge you can tap into, providing help with your promotions and marketing ideas.
Never, ever be hesitate to email your affiliate manager.
The affiliate managers livelihood and the products is related directly to your success.
The affiliate manager can even direct you to the right successful forum members to contact for advice.
You will run into a lot of webmasters by being an active member of various affiliate forums but that does not mean you have to limit your contact to just those.
A well written professional email to a webmaster can invoke a response and if done properly the results will almost always be positive.
As you grow your business, relationships with other webmasters will be very important.
They can provide vital linking partnerships and could be potential partners for future projects.
No one can be a successful affiliate marketer by themselves.
There is no reason to do this by yourself with so many successful affiliate marketers out there who will be more then willing to help you.
Create relationships, ask questions, and be professional and you to will become successful.
You need to know other affiliates and build relationships.
Building relationships is called Networking.
If your just starting out in business as an affiliate marketer, you need and must have advice from other experienced affiliate marketers.
They have a wealth of knowledge to share with you.
Believe me, experienced affiliate marketers are your lifeline.
You can not put a price on their valuable advice.
As a new affiliate marketer, you probability have many ideas on how you should go about making money with your business.
Let these experienced affiliate marketers critique those ideas of yours.
You will be surprised how many of your fellow marketers have "been there, done that".
Where do your start with your networking? In one word, FORUMS.
Affiliate forums to be precise.
Start with the affiliate program that you signed up, with if they have a forum.
Who would know better about how to make money with that affiliate product? Start right in reading what they have to say and post what you want to say.
Start with introducing yourself to the forum members.
Before you start posting, read the forums rules.
Your affiliate program does not have a forum? There are hundreds, even thousands of other affiliate programs you can sign up for.
Networking is actually easy and fun.
No matter what forum you sign up with, read as much as you can.
Other than introducing yourself and telling your fellow forum members a little about yourself, do not post anything just yet.
Read what the other forum members have to say before you post anything.
Get to know something about your fellow members.
By reading the past entries, the topic you have a question about probably has been covered and answered on the forum.
Search the forum for any topics that interest you, that way you will start to know what affiliate marketer(s) share the same interest and you can go to that person and ask questions that you may have and could not find answered anywhere on that forum.
That is called networking! Most of the people you will meet in the forum are already full time affiliate marketers.
Many of them are successful affiliate marketers.
When posting, always be courteous and professional in your questions as well as your statements.
Remember, you are asking these successful people for help in making you successful.
Do not burn any bridges.
Most affiliate marketers are people that will not hesitate to share and exchange ideas as long as the question presented to them is presented in a professional and courteous way.
By networking in forums, you will get a chance to know some very successful affiliate marketers which you will be able to "talk" to directly.
When you start posting, do not forget to create a signature for yourself.
Your signature will tell the other forum members what you do.
If you are networking in a forum that is not part of your affiliate program, just put something like the following: Thank you for letting me post my question, Curtis @ http://www.
com or Thank you for letting me post my opinion, Curtis @ [http://www.
Do not, I will repeat, do not try to sell anything to your forum members.
You can be banished from the forum.
Knowing the forum rules is very important.
Each forum has an affiliate manager who looks after the forum.
The affiliate manager reviews all the posting and even jumps in from time to time to help out with a question.
The affiliate manager of your affiliate program has a very high interest in your success.
Now there is a person who has a wealth of knowledge you can tap into, providing help with your promotions and marketing ideas.
Never, ever be hesitate to email your affiliate manager.
The affiliate managers livelihood and the products is related directly to your success.
The affiliate manager can even direct you to the right successful forum members to contact for advice.
You will run into a lot of webmasters by being an active member of various affiliate forums but that does not mean you have to limit your contact to just those.
A well written professional email to a webmaster can invoke a response and if done properly the results will almost always be positive.
As you grow your business, relationships with other webmasters will be very important.
They can provide vital linking partnerships and could be potential partners for future projects.
No one can be a successful affiliate marketer by themselves.
There is no reason to do this by yourself with so many successful affiliate marketers out there who will be more then willing to help you.
Create relationships, ask questions, and be professional and you to will become successful.