If you read this, you probably would like to start stock trading? If you don't, you actually spend time on an unnecessary thing.
Spend time at an unnecessary thing won't make you successful.
The first thing you need to understand is you won't be successful if you don't take action.
We all want to have new car, a new house, a new whatever.
But that is not enough.
Everybody wants a new car.
Does that factor motivate them to GO GET IT? No, and this is where nearly everyone go wrong.
That kind of FIRE that you need inside you, the very thing that drives you forward...
is not created by desire.
You will never have THAT kind of motivation to do anything from simply WANTING something.
It's not enough! A brilliant quote is "When you want success as BAD as you want to BREATHE - then you'll be successful".
And the best with this quote is that it's true! I will reveal the word that drives us.
Discontent Yes, discontent is the fire under the ass of humanity.
It's what makes us take any action at all.
Contentment does not inspire change.
Obviously Your ideal future will not be achieved by WANTING it.
It will be achieved by wanting go GET AWAY from your current situation and being pissed off that you're not there yet.
The path to success take place in a bloody jungle filled with dangerous creatures and traps.
The only way is to whip out the machete and cutting down everything that dares stand in your way.
If you do this, then you will be far ahead of the curve and much closer to your goals.
Spend time at an unnecessary thing won't make you successful.
The first thing you need to understand is you won't be successful if you don't take action.
We all want to have new car, a new house, a new whatever.
But that is not enough.
Everybody wants a new car.
Does that factor motivate them to GO GET IT? No, and this is where nearly everyone go wrong.
That kind of FIRE that you need inside you, the very thing that drives you forward...
is not created by desire.
You will never have THAT kind of motivation to do anything from simply WANTING something.
It's not enough! A brilliant quote is "When you want success as BAD as you want to BREATHE - then you'll be successful".
And the best with this quote is that it's true! I will reveal the word that drives us.
Discontent Yes, discontent is the fire under the ass of humanity.
It's what makes us take any action at all.
Contentment does not inspire change.
Obviously Your ideal future will not be achieved by WANTING it.
It will be achieved by wanting go GET AWAY from your current situation and being pissed off that you're not there yet.
The path to success take place in a bloody jungle filled with dangerous creatures and traps.
The only way is to whip out the machete and cutting down everything that dares stand in your way.
If you do this, then you will be far ahead of the curve and much closer to your goals.