In the volumes of "how to" books, there's will surely be a stock of "how to get out of debt" books. With the current economic crisis has come the realization by many people that we as a nation, collectively, know very little about money. We are now paying the price.
The strange thing is that while incomes have become in effect devalued over the last 30+ years, personal income is not so low as to result in the financial chaos that so many are suffering. The main reason for the financial woes that so many are experiencing is simply a lack of financial education.
This in itself is not new information. Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki and others have expounded at length and correctly so, the failure of public educational systems and us as parents to teach and instill a basis of financial knowledge in our children and young adults.
But alas, we can't teach what we don't know, or worse yet when we don't know that we don't know! The question of how to get out of debt should begin with how did we get in debt.
For the purpose of this article I'm not going to attempt to list all the possible scenarios for debt, but rather offer a solution.
Obviously, you first need a viable and reliable source of income. That may indeed be part of your debt problem but nonetheless required. Furthermore, it is preferable that your income be above the survival minimum. The ideal is a source that enables you to get ahead of the curve.
Secondly, you must know what caused the indebtedness; lack of financial education, personal set back, failed business, etc.
Thirdly, you need good, solid, trustworthy financial counseling and advice.
One option that many are turning to as a result of a lack of traditional jobs, such as manufacturing or corporate positions, is starting an online business. The keyword here is "business".
Many less than scrupulous individuals are taking advantage of people's economic woes and attempting to woo those in debt crisis to look for the fast, easy buck. I am proposing a much different situation; one in which there is much more than just the issue of making money.
In order to truly answer the question of how to get out of debt, you must consider wealth creation, education and management. To truly be out of debt and remain so you must be truly financially independent. It's not enough to merely be able to pay your bills. Just trying to stay even is not going to work because the "system" is working against you. (Read Trump and Kiyosaski).
Starting an online business doesn't mean you have to "invent" a business. The easiest way is to start is to become a part of an established business. The simplest way to think of it is, as an online franchise business. One real advantage is that you have relatively little startup cost. Furthermore, you are removed from traditional income sources and therefore much more immune to economic ups and downs.
It will take a little investigation on your part to find a real business such as this but they do exist.
One strong word of warning; don't forget financial education and wealth management. Think big! Don't just strive to get out of debt and settle in your mind for survival; think independence.
Goal #1: Learn how to get out of debt.
Goal #2: Learn how to stay out of debt.
Goal #3: Learn how to become independently wealthy.
My name is Gerrald Hendrix (Jerry). I am an internet entrepreneur marketing wealth creation, education and management products and services. I am one of a team of marketers teaching others how to be successful in challenging times. See what we do and how your life can be changed forever. My business associate Jeff has more information for you at: []
The strange thing is that while incomes have become in effect devalued over the last 30+ years, personal income is not so low as to result in the financial chaos that so many are suffering. The main reason for the financial woes that so many are experiencing is simply a lack of financial education.
This in itself is not new information. Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki and others have expounded at length and correctly so, the failure of public educational systems and us as parents to teach and instill a basis of financial knowledge in our children and young adults.
But alas, we can't teach what we don't know, or worse yet when we don't know that we don't know! The question of how to get out of debt should begin with how did we get in debt.
For the purpose of this article I'm not going to attempt to list all the possible scenarios for debt, but rather offer a solution.
Obviously, you first need a viable and reliable source of income. That may indeed be part of your debt problem but nonetheless required. Furthermore, it is preferable that your income be above the survival minimum. The ideal is a source that enables you to get ahead of the curve.
Secondly, you must know what caused the indebtedness; lack of financial education, personal set back, failed business, etc.
Thirdly, you need good, solid, trustworthy financial counseling and advice.
One option that many are turning to as a result of a lack of traditional jobs, such as manufacturing or corporate positions, is starting an online business. The keyword here is "business".
Many less than scrupulous individuals are taking advantage of people's economic woes and attempting to woo those in debt crisis to look for the fast, easy buck. I am proposing a much different situation; one in which there is much more than just the issue of making money.
In order to truly answer the question of how to get out of debt, you must consider wealth creation, education and management. To truly be out of debt and remain so you must be truly financially independent. It's not enough to merely be able to pay your bills. Just trying to stay even is not going to work because the "system" is working against you. (Read Trump and Kiyosaski).
Starting an online business doesn't mean you have to "invent" a business. The easiest way is to start is to become a part of an established business. The simplest way to think of it is, as an online franchise business. One real advantage is that you have relatively little startup cost. Furthermore, you are removed from traditional income sources and therefore much more immune to economic ups and downs.
It will take a little investigation on your part to find a real business such as this but they do exist.
One strong word of warning; don't forget financial education and wealth management. Think big! Don't just strive to get out of debt and settle in your mind for survival; think independence.
Goal #1: Learn how to get out of debt.
Goal #2: Learn how to stay out of debt.
Goal #3: Learn how to become independently wealthy.
My name is Gerrald Hendrix (Jerry). I am an internet entrepreneur marketing wealth creation, education and management products and services. I am one of a team of marketers teaching others how to be successful in challenging times. See what we do and how your life can be changed forever. My business associate Jeff has more information for you at: []