Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Nail Fungus - The Causes, Symptoms and the Treatment

Nails (finger and toe) are nothing but the dead cuticles of the skin that are pushed out as the bottom layer grows out.
Nail fungus is a nail disorder rather than a disease.
The problem with a nail infection is its detection.
Most often a person is not aware of the disorder until the condition worsens and visible signs manifest.
The early signs of the disorder are the discoloration of the nail tip.
Instead of being a clear pink or white it becomes a dull yellow, green or even a dark brown or black.
If left untreated the infection spreads throughout the nail.
What Causes the Nail Disorder? The toe nails are more prone to this infection as compared to the fingernails.
The fingernails get infected if they are constantly exposed to wet and humid conditions.
The same is also true with toenails.
The fungus thrives in wet and warm conditions.
Most people are exposed to this infection in places like swimming pools, showers rooms and lockers.
The organism enters at the nail base and grows and multiplies in the space between the nail and the nail bed.
As it grows it attacks the protective layer of keratin.
Once the protective layer is destroyed the fungus spreads to the rest of the nail.
If not treated, it can spread to other nails as well.
People that wear shoes and socks for long periods of time are at a risk.
Since the feet sweat in the shoes, the wet and warm conditions could trigger this infection.
Another way to contract this fungal infection is if the nail is injured.
When the nail gets injured in a way that the nail bed gets separated from the nail, there is a chance for the organisms to enter the nail bed.
What are the symptoms? • Initially spots and flecks that are white or yellow in color.
These spots do not grow out but continue to spread.
• Thickening of the nail • Discoloration • Nail loses shape and becomes rough and uneven.
Most people contract this infection from wearing closed shoes for long periods of time.
The dark, humid conditions created inside the shoes are ideal for the organism.
People whose immune system is compromised by diseases like AIDS or diabetes are also more prone to this infection.
Is there a Cure/Treatment? Nail fungus infections can be treated in a number of ways.
The faster it is treated the better.
There are household remedies that could be tried, but these are effective if the infection is in its early stages.
Some these remedies are - • Rubbing the nail with Tea Tree oil twice a day • Soaking the foot in a bucket of water and vinegar in equal proportions.
• Applying a paste of water and Turmeric to the nail, letting it dry and washing it off.
These are just few of the remedies.
You can find a lot more on the internet.
I would suggest you consult a doctor before you start any.
There medical answer to nail fungus is topical creams and oral medication.
The course runs for about 3 to 6 months depending on the severity of the condition.
There is also the option of laser treatment.
This treatment is done in sessions that last for 45 to 60 minutes.
It takes about a couple of sessions followed by periodic checkups later.
Do not leave the infection to fester.
Go in for some form of Nail Fungus Treatment to kill off the infection and give the nail a chance to grow back.
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