Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Don't Be Afraid To Smile Anymore Try These Teeth Whitening Tips

You have been searching for advice on teeth whitening and now, you need look no more. There can be a lot of confusion with the best techniques to use. This article will give you all of the tips you need to know when it comes to discovering the best ways to whiten your teeth.

Avoid drinking water with fluoride in it. Fluoride has been proven to damage your teeth. It can discolor or stain your teeth. It can even damage the enamel. Many areas have banned water with fluoride in it all together. Even so, it is a good idea to check and make sure.

Avoid using toothpaste and drinking water that has been treated with fluoride. Although the United States still allows it, many other countries have actually banned treating drinking water with fluoride due to the unknown potential hazards it can cause. Recent studies have shown that fluoride can actually discolor or stain your teeth.

To make your teeth look their best after a bleaching session, be sure to focus on your gums. Red or irritated gums will distract from your teeth, and may make them look less healthy than they actually are. Try using a gum massager before you have your teeth whitened. It'll make sure part of your smile looks great.

In order to get white teeth a good habit that you can do is to choose to eat food that naturally whitens teeth. Examples of these are raw fruits and vegetables that scrub your teeth while you eat them. These foods include carrots, strawberries, apples, celery, pineapples, oranges and pears.

One important teeth whitening tip is to try to consume as many raw foods as possible when you are snacking or for your meal time. The reason for this is that these types of foods will act as natural ways to scrub your teeth and keep them looking as white as possible.

Try to avoid water with fluoride added in or toothpaste that incorporates fluoride. Recent reports have shown that fluoride can stain and discolor teeth. If you only have access to water in your home with fluoride added to it, either look for a filter or consider drinking your water from bottles as long as it is without fluoride as well.

Peroxide is one of the most popular home remedies for whitening teeth. To use peroxide, brush your teeth like normal, and then swish with peroxide afterward. Another way to use peroxide is to dip a cotton ball in the peroxide and rub it on your teeth. You should see results in a couple weeks.

Use dried, crushed holy basil leaves to whiten your teeth. This is a known method for naturally whitening your teeth and is very effective. It is also very good for your keeping your gums healthy. This is a great way to whiten your teeth and has positive oral health benefits.

Get on a regular schedule to visit your dentist, at least 2 times a year. Regular professional teeth cleanings will help keep your teeth white. Set up appointments in advance. Also, you should have them call to remind you about appointments so you don't forget to go.

When you are whitening your teeth, remember that there are limitations to what it can do. If you have had extensive dental treatments like caps, bridges or crowns, these will not be whitened by the treatment that you are using. You will have to have this work replaced to match your new whiter smile.

To wrap it up, this article provided some of the most important information available in regards to teeth whitening. Give these suggestions a try and you run a good chance of being happy with the results. Hopefully, you find that everything recommended, works for you and your teeth!
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