Business & Finance Home Based Business

How To Become The Expert In Your Field

I was recently surprised to hear from a colleague that she was concerned about starting her own info-business in the field of book keeping because she didn't feel she knew enough. Amazing really, since she's earned qualifications in accounting, regularly attends training and workshops, and works part-time as a book keeper!

I know if I wanted some advice about book keeping or a recommendation for more information, she's the first person I'd turn to. So, why the hesitancy on her behalf? People who suffer from this condition are afraid to play bigger because they think they aren't ready yet. The key phrase is "they think".

My colleague commented on how she was inspired by the fearless way I've gone about growing Home Biz Chicks. I reassured her that I wasn't fearless - that I actually doubted myself regularly, but each time I felt fear, I took this to mean it was an opportunity to grow and I took a step forward into my fear, with faith.

Let's face it - you're never going to get some kind of Universal blessing that decrees you are now ready to be an expert. There will always be more to learn, so you will never be the walking encyclopaedia in your field. It's simply a case of realising that you know enough to help others. As my colleague, the so-called God Mother of Internet Marketing, Jennie Armato recently told me - "in the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is king!". She was relaying a similar situation when she started in online marketing - she didn't know much, but she knew more than the average person. Today, she runs countless web sites, makes millions of dollars and enjoys a lifestyle most people only dream of.

So, instead of waiting for an invitation from the Gods to start your own business, now's the time to jump ahead of everyone else who's caught up in uncertainty. If you're feeling uncertain, know that your potential clients (and the media) will see you as the expert if:

1. You know more about your topic than your target market does. When I first started Home Biz Chicks I'd created my own PR business from home that generated a six figure turnover in the first 10 months. I wouldn't say I was the ultimate expert in home business, but by studying the topic at length and learning from my mistakes in setting up the PR business, I knew I had some great information to share.

2. You've already been there done that. Once you realise you'll just be teaching what you're already done, and what comes as second nature to you, you'll eliminate your nerves and feel more comfortable charging a decent amount for it. You probably take for granted the information you know - I did. As a journalist and PR executive for nearly 20 years I didn't realise the information I stored in my mind about how to generate free publicity was of value, until I provided some tips to friends who were amazed by my knowledge.

3. You've been quoted on the topic in the media. There's nothing that screams 'expert' more than being seen in the media discussing your topic. Sometimes it's a 'chicken and egg' situation. When A Current Affair covered the launch of Home Biz Chicks I had just started, but as soon as it went to air, potential clients saw me as the expert in home business and I used the coverage to reinforce that position.

4. You've run an event on the topic. This can be as simple as a virtual event online, where you run a series of teleseminars - either speaking yourself, or as part of a team of experts. Or, you could stage a day-long workshop, or a weekend retreat. As soon as you take the lead role in organising an event, or position yourself alongside people who are already successful in your field, you're taking a step up from the rest of the crowd.

5. You've written articles on the subject. When you put pen to paper and share what you know, customers instantly see you as the expert in that field. All you have to do is put yourself out there. Take it a step further and write a book or a chapter in a compilation book - it will generate instant credibility and new clients.

6. You say you're the expert. Your customers and clients will accept the position you choose for yourself and present to the world. If you say you know a lot about your topic, if you say you're the expert in the field, who's to say you're not? Think of any successful sportsperson - they truly believe they're the best, if they didn't they wouldn't be in that position.

2009 Home Biz Chicks

WANT TO USE THIS REPORT IN YOUR E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Online entrepreneur Sue Papadoulis publishes the popular e-newsletter Smart Biz Chicks. If you're ready to jump-start your home business to make more money and have more fun and free time, get your FREE tips and FREE report "How to Generate Free Publicity for Your Home-Based Business" now at

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