Business & Finance Credit

Writing Effective Letters to the Credit Bureaus to Improve Your Credit Score

Your credit is one of the most valuable assets that you have.
Your credit score can determine not only your ability to borrow money and buy a home, but also what types of jobs you can get and whether or not you can even rent an apartment in a good community.
More and more institutions require a credit check, and nearly all employers require one, especially in industries like government and finance.
Get Your Free Credit Report You are entitled under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to receive your annual credit report from all three major credit reporting bureaus at no charge.
Each agency will have a different account of your payment history and account history, which makes it necessary to get your free credit report from all three.
When you pull your report, take note of any erroneous information that may be noted on your report.
You will be required to write letters to the bureau(s) holding incorrect information in order to begin the process of having the item(s) deleted or removed.
The credit bureau in question will have a certain period of time to respond to your inquiry by law.
Be Concise and Detailed When Contacting The Bureaus Letters that you write to the credit bureau that you believe is holding incorrect entries about your credit performance should be concise, to the point, and contain appropriate details to allow the investigation to proceed timely.
If you have supporting documentations, such as cancelled check stubs or payment booklets that are stamped as being paid, make copies of these documents and include them with your letter.
In short, gather as much evidence to help you win your argument as possible when you initially write the letter to the credit bureau to avoid a long and drawn out process of getting the erroneous or false information and items removed from your credit record.
A well-written letter makes you stand out as being competent and legitimate.
The sample below is indicative of a great way to open up communications on your behalf.
Dear Sir or Madam, Upon review of my credit report from your agency, I have discovered erroneous information that requires your immediate attention.
I hereby formally dispute the information that I have detailed below, and ask for a deletion of this information from the credit report that your agency holds in my name.
Your prompt attention to this matter is both appreciated and desired.
The following is a list of the items, accounts, dates, and creditors that I would like to dispute, and the reasons that I am disputing the validity of each.
Sincerely, John Q.
Public Include Pertinent Contact Information Be certain to give the credit bureau your full contact details, including the best number to contact you and the best time to reach you at that number.
If possible, list your home, work, and cell phone numbers to assure that the credit bureau can contact you as soon as possible should they need further documentation about the disputed accounts or have other questions to ask you.
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