Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Ideal Urine pH And Alkaline Urine - Plus How To Adjust It

The urine pH determines specific health conditions and diseases in human beings.
PH means potential hydrogen or the measurement of hydrogen ion in a solution.
It is advised by doctors to find out the root cause of certain illnesses.
Urine pH is a term used to segregate urine as a base solution or dilute acid.
The urine pH test can be performed at home also.
Acidic and alkaline feature of urine depends upon the intensity of pH in the urine.
If the pH is greater, the urine is more alkaline.
If the pH is low, acidity is greater in the urine.
The urine pH of a healthy person varies from 4.
5 to 8.
Balancing the pH content of the urine is the responsibility of the kidneys.
They maintain the balance by reabsorbing tubular secretion of hydrogen and ammonium ions and sodium.
When the base or alkali content of the urine increases, alkaline urine, which contains bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer is excreted.
On the other hand, when too much acid and sodium is retained by the urine the pH level of the urine is maintained by the alkaline and acid content.
A highly acidic urine pH or a highly alkaline urine pH, are both injurious to the human body.
Acidic urine pH creates various diseases and ailments in the human body.
You are likely to suffer diseases like diabetes, dehydration, acidosis, respiratory problems and diarrhea.
Too much alkaline content in urine pH causes renal tuberculosis, pyloric obstruction, urinary tract obstruction and various other health issues.
People whose urine has a balanced alkaline content are stable health wise.
As per research, the alkaline level of the blood pH should be slightly high for the body to develop immunity.
On the contrary, an increased alkaline level in the urine pH is not a healthy sign.
Diseases cannot thrive in alkaline situations.
They require acidic environment to flourish.
People suffering from cancer lack alkaline content in their blood and urine, which results in the deadly consequences of the disease.
In addition, people who eat a lot of meat and are non-vegetarians in general tend to suffer high acidic pH levels.
They are also prone to infectious urinary tract diseases compared to vegetarians who eat a natural and fresh diet, which produces limited alkaline content in the urine and blood.
Controlling and balancing the pH level is the only solution for human beings to live a healthy life.
Facts on urine pH tests For any doubts on urinary conditions, or anything related to kidney, respiratory and metabolic disorders, health professionals recommend a thorough urine pH test.
A fresh urine specimen is needed for the test, if it needs to be preserved, it must be stored in a refrigerator.
Usually the first urine after a full night's sleep is considered effective for the test.
A rich vegetarian diet and lots of legumes, green vegetables and citrus fruits will keep the urine alkaline balanced.
Healthy urine is slightly acidic.
Too much alkaline in the urine breeds bacteria and invites infections and diseases.
Extreme diets and irregular foods are the main reasons for excess alkaline formation in the urine.
A regular diet and good food habits can keep your urine pH level balanced and help you lead a happy and stress free life.
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