Today deal with web marketing means, among other things, be able to adapt the experience that is offered to 'user based on the type of relationship that you want to weave with the same brand or a website, from which certain types of content that we can offer.
The web is the mirror of everyday life
In the life of every day, when I interfaced with a private person I avoid asking him a thousand questions personally and in the same way when I turn to a user who likes the synthesis (and has no desire to read 3000 words) I have to offer content:
Similarly, if you know a person expansive, who likes to talk for hours, I try to listen and to share with you something of my own; Web this result in the provision of complex content
It is clearly a simplification of what may become the personalization in web marketing. "It might," why not just the will, it must be a technological system that allows you to extract and process the data, and then propose to that specific user its specific content.
In what way?
In the past, there were few tools to know the customers and users: questionnaires, interviews and the like, often had high costs and low response rates. Now the Internet provides mechanisms that automatically and relatively low cost, looming users based on not only the traditional demographic variables, but also of opinions, preferences, experiences: each of us, when accessing a social network or use an engine research, provide several valuable information about him. You can then study their users, you can understand what love and appreciate and can, therefore, offer content that meet all their needs, even in a single solution, so that it is the user who actively decide on what linger. In short, to learn more about both the user who reserved the chatty, we describe our product in a concise list and exhaustive, thus providing the opportunity to deepen every point. According to a survey of the site Pardot 94% of marketing professionals customize believe that the offer is decisive to succeed and succeed means to increase sales by 19%. Yet not always the insiders are aware of the cards that could play.
What are the advantages of customization?
Here are some:
Improvement of the experience of the audience after listening and involved
Improving the profitability of its business through understanding needs and requirements. For a company or organization to avert the danger is the self: to offer goods and services without first analyzing what they really need or want the publicity.
Improvement of customer loyalty: Push a customer to be loved and to be faithful is insurance for the future.
Targeted ads from Google and Facebook are the most important example (and more discussed, especially in terms of privacy) of this approach aims to customize the advertising investments, monitoring the interests of customers and addressing their ads only to those who, based on their experience user, may be really interested.
Do you agree? What is the line not to cross so that the customization is too invasive or, on the contrary, inefficient?
The web is the mirror of everyday life
In the life of every day, when I interfaced with a private person I avoid asking him a thousand questions personally and in the same way when I turn to a user who likes the synthesis (and has no desire to read 3000 words) I have to offer content:
- 1.      Short
- 2.      Synthetic
- 3.      Well formulated
Similarly, if you know a person expansive, who likes to talk for hours, I try to listen and to share with you something of my own; Web this result in the provision of complex content
- 1.      Imagery
- 2.      Video
- 3.      Texts with a lot of information
It is clearly a simplification of what may become the personalization in web marketing. "It might," why not just the will, it must be a technological system that allows you to extract and process the data, and then propose to that specific user its specific content.
In what way?
In the past, there were few tools to know the customers and users: questionnaires, interviews and the like, often had high costs and low response rates. Now the Internet provides mechanisms that automatically and relatively low cost, looming users based on not only the traditional demographic variables, but also of opinions, preferences, experiences: each of us, when accessing a social network or use an engine research, provide several valuable information about him. You can then study their users, you can understand what love and appreciate and can, therefore, offer content that meet all their needs, even in a single solution, so that it is the user who actively decide on what linger. In short, to learn more about both the user who reserved the chatty, we describe our product in a concise list and exhaustive, thus providing the opportunity to deepen every point. According to a survey of the site Pardot 94% of marketing professionals customize believe that the offer is decisive to succeed and succeed means to increase sales by 19%. Yet not always the insiders are aware of the cards that could play.
What are the advantages of customization?
Here are some:
Improvement of the experience of the audience after listening and involved
Improving the profitability of its business through understanding needs and requirements. For a company or organization to avert the danger is the self: to offer goods and services without first analyzing what they really need or want the publicity.
Improvement of customer loyalty: Push a customer to be loved and to be faithful is insurance for the future.
Targeted ads from Google and Facebook are the most important example (and more discussed, especially in terms of privacy) of this approach aims to customize the advertising investments, monitoring the interests of customers and addressing their ads only to those who, based on their experience user, may be really interested.
Do you agree? What is the line not to cross so that the customization is too invasive or, on the contrary, inefficient?