You hear the stories and you read the articles about how penis enlargement is not possible.
How you should just be happy with the size you are at right now because it's just never going to change...
unless you go in for surgery.
How you are going to stay at the size you are at right now because of your genetics.
How the entire male enhancement industry is nothing more than a scam.
And so forth and so on.
Well, I beg to differ.
And I'm saying this boldly after having personal experience with making my penis grow bigger naturally, consistently, quickly, and pretty significantly (I increased by 2 inches...
with no freaking surgery)! You see, the problem is not the ENTIRE industry, it's those "popular" methods out there that is making a bad name for the industry.
This includes pills, patches, and tools.
Those methods are very ineffective, very dangerous, and very pricey.
In turn, this causes men to lay a blanket statement that NOTHING will ever work to make your penis larger, and male enhancement is nothing but a scam.
Well, apparently, everyone seems to be overlooking the one method that will make your penis grow bigger naturally, quickly, and the results will be 100% permanent...
and you can gain impressive results regardless of your genetics.
This method is based around something I like to call a "penis enlargement loophole"...
and that's because it breaks all the typical jargon on how you can never grow bigger! This "Loophole" Is Based On The Following 3 Easy Steps: Step 1 - You have to naturally increase blood into your penile chambers.
This is very important since blood is what causes your erection.
And the way that works is whenever you are aroused, blood rushes to your corpora cavernosa penile chambers and will then expand those chambers.
An ample amount of blood is also responsible for how hard your erections are as well.
Increasing blood circulation has to be done naturally.
Which means using pumps and taking pills or using patches is highly NOT recommended.
All of those things claim to increase blood, but they are very ineffective and very dangerous.
Step 2 - You have to enhance the size of your penile chambers.
It is NOT just increasing blood that makes your penis grow bigger, you also have to increase the size of your chambers as well.
Guess what? That pretty much just proved the point of how ineffective pills, pumps, and patches are, eh?! Your corpora cavernosa chambers are 2 chambers that are along the sides of your penile shaft.
When they fill up with blood, they become larger and harder (as mentioned above).
However, if you want to increase your size, the chambers have to naturally be increased as well so that they will hold MORE BLOOD when you become erected.
This will make your penis thicker, longer, and harder.
Step 3 - You have to strengthen your ejaculate muscle.
Your ejaculation is controlled by a muscle that is located between your testicles and anus.
This muscle is called the pubococcygeus muscle.
When strengthened, you will have better control of your ejaculate release, you'll last longer during sex, your orgasms will be insane, and you'll even improve the health of your prostate.
So, How Do You Do Those 3 Steps? Exercising your penis using just your hands, some natural lubrication, and roughly 6-15 minutes of your time a day to do the routines is what will do those 3 steps above.
My friend, penis exercises are the "missing" method that is often overlooked and placed right in the same category as other methods that are unnatural and dangerous.
You know what? It's actually impossible for the routines to be dangerous and unnatural considering the facts that you are only using your hands, the routines are very gentle and safe, and they are backed by medical and scientific professionals! You see, penis exercises increase blood flow by gently massaging your penis using specific pressure and doing specific exercise routines.
These routines are called jelqing.
There are many different variations of jelqing that when done, will significantly increase blood flow into your penile shaft.
Also, these routines don't just increase blood flow, they also take care of step 2 above...
and that would be increasing the size of your penile chambers so that they will hold more blood circulation.
The other exercise routine, which takes care of step 3 above, is called kegels.
Kegel exercises strengthen your PC muscle and they are very easy to do.
Basically, they are done by tensing the PC muscle in repetition.
There are also different variations of this exercise as well.
So, if you have doubted enlarging your size, I recommend you don't lose hope just yet.
Go natural, and trust me on this, you WILL see that it IS possible to naturally enlarge your penis size, last longer with sex, increase your libido, and even enhance the overall health of your manhood.
How you should just be happy with the size you are at right now because it's just never going to change...
unless you go in for surgery.
How you are going to stay at the size you are at right now because of your genetics.
How the entire male enhancement industry is nothing more than a scam.
And so forth and so on.
Well, I beg to differ.
And I'm saying this boldly after having personal experience with making my penis grow bigger naturally, consistently, quickly, and pretty significantly (I increased by 2 inches...
with no freaking surgery)! You see, the problem is not the ENTIRE industry, it's those "popular" methods out there that is making a bad name for the industry.
This includes pills, patches, and tools.
Those methods are very ineffective, very dangerous, and very pricey.
In turn, this causes men to lay a blanket statement that NOTHING will ever work to make your penis larger, and male enhancement is nothing but a scam.
Well, apparently, everyone seems to be overlooking the one method that will make your penis grow bigger naturally, quickly, and the results will be 100% permanent...
and you can gain impressive results regardless of your genetics.
This method is based around something I like to call a "penis enlargement loophole"...
and that's because it breaks all the typical jargon on how you can never grow bigger! This "Loophole" Is Based On The Following 3 Easy Steps: Step 1 - You have to naturally increase blood into your penile chambers.
This is very important since blood is what causes your erection.
And the way that works is whenever you are aroused, blood rushes to your corpora cavernosa penile chambers and will then expand those chambers.
An ample amount of blood is also responsible for how hard your erections are as well.
Increasing blood circulation has to be done naturally.
Which means using pumps and taking pills or using patches is highly NOT recommended.
All of those things claim to increase blood, but they are very ineffective and very dangerous.
Step 2 - You have to enhance the size of your penile chambers.
It is NOT just increasing blood that makes your penis grow bigger, you also have to increase the size of your chambers as well.
Guess what? That pretty much just proved the point of how ineffective pills, pumps, and patches are, eh?! Your corpora cavernosa chambers are 2 chambers that are along the sides of your penile shaft.
When they fill up with blood, they become larger and harder (as mentioned above).
However, if you want to increase your size, the chambers have to naturally be increased as well so that they will hold MORE BLOOD when you become erected.
This will make your penis thicker, longer, and harder.
Step 3 - You have to strengthen your ejaculate muscle.
Your ejaculation is controlled by a muscle that is located between your testicles and anus.
This muscle is called the pubococcygeus muscle.
When strengthened, you will have better control of your ejaculate release, you'll last longer during sex, your orgasms will be insane, and you'll even improve the health of your prostate.
So, How Do You Do Those 3 Steps? Exercising your penis using just your hands, some natural lubrication, and roughly 6-15 minutes of your time a day to do the routines is what will do those 3 steps above.
My friend, penis exercises are the "missing" method that is often overlooked and placed right in the same category as other methods that are unnatural and dangerous.
You know what? It's actually impossible for the routines to be dangerous and unnatural considering the facts that you are only using your hands, the routines are very gentle and safe, and they are backed by medical and scientific professionals! You see, penis exercises increase blood flow by gently massaging your penis using specific pressure and doing specific exercise routines.
These routines are called jelqing.
There are many different variations of jelqing that when done, will significantly increase blood flow into your penile shaft.
Also, these routines don't just increase blood flow, they also take care of step 2 above...
and that would be increasing the size of your penile chambers so that they will hold more blood circulation.
The other exercise routine, which takes care of step 3 above, is called kegels.
Kegel exercises strengthen your PC muscle and they are very easy to do.
Basically, they are done by tensing the PC muscle in repetition.
There are also different variations of this exercise as well.
So, if you have doubted enlarging your size, I recommend you don't lose hope just yet.
Go natural, and trust me on this, you WILL see that it IS possible to naturally enlarge your penis size, last longer with sex, increase your libido, and even enhance the overall health of your manhood.