Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

What Are Colon Cancer Symptoms?

I think it is important to have knowledge about colon cancer symptoms before we turn 40, which is the age when this form of cancer incidence starts to rise.
There have been several individuals in my own family who have succumbed to this deadly form of cancer.
I know there is a great chance of you knowing someone or even you having this type of cancer.
As a result, colon cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in women and men in the United States.
Moreover, only around 39% of colon cancer cases are detected early.
Currently, it is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States.
What Is Colon Cancer? The rectum and colon are both part of the large intestine.
Colon cancer actually originates in the large intestines.
Sometimes it is called colorectal cancer, and it refers to cancer the affects the rectum and or colon.
What Causes Colon Cancer? Before I get into what are colon cancer symptoms, lets discuss the risk factors for this deadly disease.
Research hasn't identified without mistake what causes colon cancer, but have pinpointed several risk factors.
Here are several of the risk factors:age, diet, genetics, alcohol and other factors.
I have more information on colon cancer and other disease located at the website located in the resource box below.
What Are Colon Cancer Symptoms? The truth is that sometimes colon cancer doesn't present any symptoms.
Unfortunately for some people the first symptom of colon cancer doesn't reveal itself until the disease has progressed into an advanced stage.
Here are some colon cancer symptoms: Bleeding blood in the stool.
This is the most commonly experienced form of cancer symptom.
Weight Loss.
The pain from the tumor can cause a loss of appetite.
Abdominal Pain.
Swelling and pain of the abdomen occurs when the intestine is blocked by a tumor.
Changes in Bowel Habits.
If you suffer from constant diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and/ or producing thinner stools then this might be an indication of colon cancer.
I have more detailed information on colon cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer, and bone cancer among others located at the website in the resource box below.
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