Starting a business can seem extremely challenging and overwhelming, but if you find something you are passionate about once you get started you won't be able to stop your progress.
Many questions arise when considering whether or not to proceed with an endeavor and we end up in a Shakespearean situation, "To be or not to be, that is the questions".
To help in getting started with your new business and relieve some contemplative strain, here are a few Do's and Don'ts.
-Do get advice for your business from a trusted colleague and consider having an advisory board for your company.
-Don't get too discouraged if your business starts slowly; it takes time to get your business known.
Most businesses take two years before they start to turn a profit.
-Do make detailed plans about how you will operate your business (business plan), including the types of services you will perform, mission statement, your target audience, what you will charge, future growth plans, marketing materials.
-Don't try to compete directly with larger businesses; the key to finding success with your business is to discover a niche market, try to find something that is lacking and fulfill the need.
(Think of the paperclip or the push pin) -Do consider coming up with a catchy name for your business that will allow you to market it effectively to your target audience.
-Don't let any of your customers devalue your worth, know what your value and stick to your prices that you set; this is a common new business owner mistake.
-Do use every available resource to spread the word about your business.
Much more can be done than posting flyers.
Research how to effectively market using the internet, there are many effective tools now such as social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc).
You must have a website because it allows you the potential to connect with the world.
-Don't let a little competition stop you from launching a similar business (there is nothing new under the sun anyway).
If you don't want to compete form partnerships.
Partnerships allow you to have a larger network of potential customers and perhaps more time flexibility because you'll be sharing the workload.
-Do consider developing agreements for each customer to sign.
Have everything you do or plan to do in writing even if your first sets of customers are your friends and family.
-Don't let obstacles discourage you; there will be a lot of them.
Figure out how to overcome them and watch your business grow and you grow.
-Do get organized, managing your business is key! Consider developing habits of utilizing a planner and calendar so to stay on schedule.
You want to be able to stay on top of your business so it won't stay on top of you.
Many questions arise when considering whether or not to proceed with an endeavor and we end up in a Shakespearean situation, "To be or not to be, that is the questions".
To help in getting started with your new business and relieve some contemplative strain, here are a few Do's and Don'ts.
-Do get advice for your business from a trusted colleague and consider having an advisory board for your company.
-Don't get too discouraged if your business starts slowly; it takes time to get your business known.
Most businesses take two years before they start to turn a profit.
-Do make detailed plans about how you will operate your business (business plan), including the types of services you will perform, mission statement, your target audience, what you will charge, future growth plans, marketing materials.
-Don't try to compete directly with larger businesses; the key to finding success with your business is to discover a niche market, try to find something that is lacking and fulfill the need.
(Think of the paperclip or the push pin) -Do consider coming up with a catchy name for your business that will allow you to market it effectively to your target audience.
-Don't let any of your customers devalue your worth, know what your value and stick to your prices that you set; this is a common new business owner mistake.
-Do use every available resource to spread the word about your business.
Much more can be done than posting flyers.
Research how to effectively market using the internet, there are many effective tools now such as social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc).
You must have a website because it allows you the potential to connect with the world.
-Don't let a little competition stop you from launching a similar business (there is nothing new under the sun anyway).
If you don't want to compete form partnerships.
Partnerships allow you to have a larger network of potential customers and perhaps more time flexibility because you'll be sharing the workload.
-Do consider developing agreements for each customer to sign.
Have everything you do or plan to do in writing even if your first sets of customers are your friends and family.
-Don't let obstacles discourage you; there will be a lot of them.
Figure out how to overcome them and watch your business grow and you grow.
-Do get organized, managing your business is key! Consider developing habits of utilizing a planner and calendar so to stay on schedule.
You want to be able to stay on top of your business so it won't stay on top of you.