Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Ranked Article Directories Can Drive You To Guaranteed Online Success

You can get great results using a simple strategy of writing and submitting articles to rant article directories. Because it is so simple many Internet marketers ignore this powerful strategy.

If you use article marketing consistently you are virtually guaranteed success. However there are few crucial steps to follow. Article marketing works so well because it consists of a these things.

You brand yourself as an expert in your niche. The more people hear about you the more you become a trusted source of information. Once you've gained that they will be more apt to buy from you or to take your recommendations concerning affiliate products.

This happens because you constantly provide useful content to them. It also happens because your name becomes well known in that niche. The article submissions you've done will propel you to the forefront making you someone they want to buy from.

Once you become the leader and authority on that subject people will actually come to your site ready to buy. They are targeted pre sold customers. It doesn't get much better than that.

But in a way it does! All the content that you've been putting out there is all over the web. Search engines love it. It's like gold to them and the gold rush is on. They seek it out and process it making it available for all to see through search engine results.

Search engines are always looking for unique content. In turn the audience seeking this information is subjected to your content because you are so prolific.

As you continue to submit articles through ranked article directories you're adding carefully formatted links to those articles. These links take the seeker back to your websites or blogs. Over time you will develop thousands of backlinks to your website.

These thousands of links tell the search engines that your site is the best site to send people for your specific niche. This is what will enable you to get to page one on the search engine rankings.

This is very possible and begins with you writing articles about your niche. These must be articles that provide valuable information and not just the same old stuff they can already find on the internet.

Answer questions and offer suggestions. Help your readers solve problems. They will appreciate your efforts.

At the end of your article place a resource box telling a little about yourself and add a link back to your site.

Now submit your articles to the top article directories. They will grab it and publish it and/or send it out to their ezine where it too will be published.

If you continue to do this thousands of copies of your article submissions will be all over the web. This in turn will drive thousands of targeted buyers to your site.
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