- Even though you may not have any specific history in a job, that does not necessarily mean that you cannot do the job you are applying for. In this situation, you need to focus on some of the reasons that you are qualified for the job. This could include information about the types of courses that you have taken or your skills in a specific area of the job. Show the employer why you would be a good person to do this type of work.
- Many people who do not have any specific work experience can still put information about an internship that they participated in. This is a valuable learning experience that employers will look favorably upon. Put the information about what company you interned with and what you learned. In some cases, the person you are interviewing with may have connections at the company you interned with.
- When you are just coming out of high school or college, employers may be interested to find out what type of student you were. This can include information about what type of education you have and what activities you engaged in while in school. If you had good grades, do not hesitate to mention your grade point average. If you participated in Future Business Leaders of America or played sports, this can be good information to include as well.
- When you do not have a job, volunteering for causes can help provide you with some resume boosters. Employers like to see that you are willing to get out and work even if you are not getting paid for it. If you are willing to help out and make a difference, this can show the employer that you are a good person who they need to have on board. Combined with the other information on your resume, this could help give you an advantage over the competition.
Highlight Qualifications
Internship Information
Education and Activities
Volunteer Efforts