Health & Medical Men's Health

7 Penis Enlargement Options

Perhaps the most popular of all the penis enlargement options, pills offer the hope for size increase by simply taking a pill or two a day.
Of course when you run out and haven't yet seen any results, you are prompted to hurry and buy a refill bottle.
Unfortunately pills are mostly hype (some do provide a temporary blood flow increase but it doesn't lead to added permanent size).
These require you to place your penis inside a tube and then start pumping a contraption.
Just the thought of this brings up questions regarding safety.
And this is generally why pumps remain on the fringe.
The risk factor is generally too high to take pumping seriously, and the results being reported haven't been impressive.
Believe it or not there are forms of prayer, such as the popular "manifestation techniques" and the laws of attraction which will have you believe that if you simply pray or think about bigger penis size then it will suddenly occur.
Now, this does have it's benefits if you are using other enlarging methods that work as it will make you more driven and disciplined, but on it's own it just does not have any merit for magically creating size.
There are herbs being marketed as penis enlargement options and solutions for bigger size.
But like pills, herbal remedies have not been proven to contribute to any size gains whatsoever.
Weight hanging.
This is as it sounds.
Hanging an amount of weight to your penis in order to stretch it out and make it bigger.
While hanging heavy objects from any bodypart may create the skin and/or tissue to stretch, obviously when you are dealing with the penis, this can be extremely dangerous and not worth any potential benefit you may or may not get.
These are fairly new and fall somewhere in between pumps and weight hanging.
They are basically contraptions which you place your penis in and adjust them so your penis get's slightly stretched and extended.
They are probably safer than the two other methods mentioned, but the results are mixed.
While some report gains, many others report little to no gains, and sometimes discomfort.
Others simply give up concerned over safety issues.
This is the most famous exercise method for all natural size gains.
Since it's been around for a long time, originally used by tribes as part of ritual, it has a lot of street cred to it.
You basically use just your hands (no contraptions or devices) to exercise your penis simply by stroking it in a certain way in a very slow and controlled manner.
Results have been strongly positive for guys looking to add noticeable size to the penis.
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