Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Is My Marriage Over?

Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not a one time deal that happens on your wedding day and ends on your death bed.
A solid marriage filled with love, understanding, passion and peace is a choice that two people make on a daily basis.
It is entered in and maintained two by two.
Just as one person can't marry themselves, one person is not enough to hold a marriage together.
The want and the will has to come from both sides.
There are many signs that your marriage is over.
Some are subtle; others blatant.
Here are 5 signs that your marriage is over: #1- The relationships exists at extremes- either you two fight all the time (over everything) or you live in a house of silence where nothing gets talked about.
#2- One or both spouses do everything they can to escape the relationship (sleeping all the time, working all the time, the gym, out with friends, drinking, smoking, overeating, extramarital affairs).
#3- It's a huge relief when your spouse goes out of town for even a few days.
It feels like home again when he or she is gone.
#4- One or both spouses have begun living separate lives (new residence, separate bank account, change of last name, eating meals separately, separate cell phone accounts).
#5- One (or both) spouse has physically left the relationship and formed a committed relationship with an outside person.
While the above signs don't guarantee a divorce, they do indicate a fractured relationship that is quickly transitioning into divorce.
If your goal is to save the marriage, immediate intervention is required.
However, you cannot force the issue if the other person has made a clear decision to leave.
It takes two to make a marriage work.
Final Point: Love is about content, not form.
Just because the dynamic of your relationship changes doesn't mean the level of love and respect have to.
You can love your spouse for who he or she is, where he or she is and still release them (and yourself) to a happier, more peaceful life.
Love and forgiveness go hand in hand.
You can't have one without the other.
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