- 1). Locate a Denver plasma donation center. Blood Banker lists the different places in Denver where you can donate your plasma.
- 2). Present photo identification, your social security card, and proof of residency to the donation center. You will undergo a general examination to ensure that you are a healthy candidate for plasma donation.
- 3). Provide your medical history to the plasma donation center. You will spend 3 to 5 hours at the center for your first appointment. The rate for plasma is between $15 and $35 per donation. Your plasma will be sold to Denver hospitals for research and used to help patients with blood disorders.
- 4). You may donate plasma up to twice a week, but may not donate more than once during a 48-hour period. Millions of Americans suffer from blood disorders that are cured, or at least helped, by donated plasma. Your plasma donation could save the life of a person who is suffering or it could be used for research in an attempt to find a cure for blood disorders.