- 1). Trace a cylinder in the middle of the paper sitting in a vertical position. The cylinder is the body of your rocket.
- 2). Draw a one-dimensional triangle at the top of the cylinder. The triangle is the nose of your rocket.
- 3). Add three fins to the bottom of the rocket body. Draw two dolphin fin-like shapes on both the right and left side of the body. Trace a thin and simple rectangle at the center point at the bottom of the body ---- in between the two side fins. The rectangle gives the illusion that we are facing the fin in a head-on direction.
- 4). Add rocket boosters underneath the fins. Draw three or four small, stacked ovals or rectangles on the right side. Repeat this image on the left side.
- 5). Trace sharp jagged lines indicative of fire coming out from below the boosters. Draw circular lines ---- varying in degrees of thickness ---- beside the fire to simulate smoke. Add stars and the crescent shape of a moon above the nose of the rocket as a space background. Color in the picture as you see fit.