Having a life insurance can be a protection that you can give to your loved ones in the future if they are the chosen beneficiaries.
But it can also be good to know if you have become a beneficiary of one of your relatives of family members.
But there can be a problem in a situation where your relative dies and then you found out that you are one of the beneficiaries but the insurance policy is missing! Don't panic because there are ways on how you can still claim your benefits even when the policy is lost.
Finding the life insurance policy in the future will still entitle you of the benefits that the insurance policy can give.
There are many ways on how you can get the benefits when the insurance policy is nowhere to be found.
First, you have to look through the checks that have been canceled or you can also go to the bank where your relative policyholder draws his or her checks.
Make a request asking for the old checks drawn by the policyholder and find out if there are some drawn for the insurance company.
Next, you can ask the lawyer of your relative or the insurance agent and the accountant that may give you the ample information that you need.
Another thing to do is to call the boss of your relative in a company where he worked and ask if they ever purchased a group life insurance for the workers of the company.
But it can also be good to know if you have become a beneficiary of one of your relatives of family members.
But there can be a problem in a situation where your relative dies and then you found out that you are one of the beneficiaries but the insurance policy is missing! Don't panic because there are ways on how you can still claim your benefits even when the policy is lost.
Finding the life insurance policy in the future will still entitle you of the benefits that the insurance policy can give.
There are many ways on how you can get the benefits when the insurance policy is nowhere to be found.
First, you have to look through the checks that have been canceled or you can also go to the bank where your relative policyholder draws his or her checks.
Make a request asking for the old checks drawn by the policyholder and find out if there are some drawn for the insurance company.
Next, you can ask the lawyer of your relative or the insurance agent and the accountant that may give you the ample information that you need.
Another thing to do is to call the boss of your relative in a company where he worked and ask if they ever purchased a group life insurance for the workers of the company.