It is no laughing matter, snoring really does adversely affect your health but those around you. Learn how to get a wonderful night's sleep again without needing devices or medication using these simple to do exercises.
Possible causes of snoring include, a tense jaw & collapsed muscles, so these stop snoring exercises, help by strengthening the muscles around your mouth and throat, to stop your air passage becoming blocked.
They may not be the total answer for you but could definitely help reduce your snoring. You may find the exercise that is right for you.
Here are some easy to master, stop snoring exercises, that you can try. They do not require any aids or expense, which is great.
1 These exercises strengthen your tongue.
First push your tongue out as far as you can reach, hold this position, then relax. Now put your tongue out again and try to reach down with it to touch your chin, hold this position, then relax. Next put your tongue out and try to touch your nose, hold this position, then relax. Finally open your mouth wide, put your tongue out and move your tongue from one side to the other. Repeat this set of exercises ten times.
2 These exercises help to strengthen your mouth.
Smile as hard as you can, hold this position, then relax. Next pucker up your lips as though you are preparing to give someone a kiss. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Finally rapidly open and shut your mouth for 15 seconds. Do it as quickly as you possibly can. When you're done, relax for a few seconds. Repeat all these exercises five times. A different mouth exercise to try is to hold a pencil in your mouth, firmly between your teeth, for up to five minutes.
3 This exercise strengthens your throat. It is an exercise professional singer's use. Sing La-la-la-la at the top of your voice, (without straining you voice), holding each la for at least 3 seconds. Concentrate on your throat and neck while performing this exercise. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
4 These exercises are for your jaw. First protrude your lower jaw out as far as you can, now hold that position for 10 seconds, then relax. Now relax your closed jaw and with your hands, now try to open you jaws while holding them tightly closed. Repeat these exercises at least 5 times.
5 Take up a musical woodwind instrument. It requires you to exercise your mouth, throat and jaw muscles as you play, so strengthening all the breathing structures.
When you are overweight you carry extra fat around your neck and this partially blocks your airways. So you will find that losing those extra pounds, will improve your snoring problem and your general health.
Possible causes of snoring include, a tense jaw & collapsed muscles, so these stop snoring exercises, help by strengthening the muscles around your mouth and throat, to stop your air passage becoming blocked.
They may not be the total answer for you but could definitely help reduce your snoring. You may find the exercise that is right for you.
Here are some easy to master, stop snoring exercises, that you can try. They do not require any aids or expense, which is great.
1 These exercises strengthen your tongue.
First push your tongue out as far as you can reach, hold this position, then relax. Now put your tongue out again and try to reach down with it to touch your chin, hold this position, then relax. Next put your tongue out and try to touch your nose, hold this position, then relax. Finally open your mouth wide, put your tongue out and move your tongue from one side to the other. Repeat this set of exercises ten times.
2 These exercises help to strengthen your mouth.
Smile as hard as you can, hold this position, then relax. Next pucker up your lips as though you are preparing to give someone a kiss. Hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Finally rapidly open and shut your mouth for 15 seconds. Do it as quickly as you possibly can. When you're done, relax for a few seconds. Repeat all these exercises five times. A different mouth exercise to try is to hold a pencil in your mouth, firmly between your teeth, for up to five minutes.
3 This exercise strengthens your throat. It is an exercise professional singer's use. Sing La-la-la-la at the top of your voice, (without straining you voice), holding each la for at least 3 seconds. Concentrate on your throat and neck while performing this exercise. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
4 These exercises are for your jaw. First protrude your lower jaw out as far as you can, now hold that position for 10 seconds, then relax. Now relax your closed jaw and with your hands, now try to open you jaws while holding them tightly closed. Repeat these exercises at least 5 times.
5 Take up a musical woodwind instrument. It requires you to exercise your mouth, throat and jaw muscles as you play, so strengthening all the breathing structures.
When you are overweight you carry extra fat around your neck and this partially blocks your airways. So you will find that losing those extra pounds, will improve your snoring problem and your general health.