A new term begins to take hold in the world of online marketing. As is common to speak of the importance of SEO (optimization for search engines) in the life of a web page, with the emergence of social applications and sites increasingly dynamic, there is also the importance of optimizing the social communication of a web, this optimization is called SMO (Social Media Optimization).
The emergence of social communities, web 2.0 portals, mashups, RSS and millions of blogs interacting, is changing the traditional division of Internet traffic. Previously, traffic was provided almost solely through the portals, search engines, however many visitors now come from referrals. Blind eye to this change, it would be a big mistake.
Optimization Rules for Social Media
1. Increase your ability to be bound: The first and most important. Web page as possible has to stop being "static."
2. Give your page add to favorites or accept tags: Add buttons to "add to del.icio.us" or other services.
3. Reward those who link their website (inbound links): To encourage the links, we need to make this process simple and provide clear benefits. The use of "permanent links" to blogs, for example.
4. Help your content "journey": Unlike SEO, SMO is not only to make adjustments to a website. If you have content that may be "portable" (such as PDFs, videos or audio), send them to sites and / or relevant blogs.
5. Promote the use of "mashups" (hybrid): The recommendation goes through SMO enable our content to be used by others and generate attention to ourselves.
6. Is a useful resource for its users, even if not directly support: Include links to pages and information that may help them with their goals and purposes. In this way, your page becomes the benchmark for a specific community.
7. Reward helpful and valuable users: These users will be good influences or spokespersons of your page. Find ways to "reward." Perhaps you can present them in their homepage, or develop a system of "charted". Sometimes an email or a private note thanking them for their help can be very favorable. Try to be always truthful.
8. Join: Join the conversation. Internet is becoming a two-way street. Participate makes the message spread further and faster.
9. Learn how to reach your audience: If you know your audience, is in trouble. There will always be a specific audience that will find interesting and others not. Worry that truly please the interested.
10. Cree Content: Certain content ranging naturally socially, no matter what industry you are or how boring are the products you sell, there's a type of content that works.
11. Be authentic: A community does not reward those who are false. This post can be very illustrative in this regard.
12. Do not forget your roots, be humble: If you have become a "Blog Star" or the page gets amazing traffic, do not let the smoke will rise.
13. Do not be afraid to try new things, keep fresh its proposal: Internet as a social phenomenon mutates every minute. Be aware of new tools, products and challenges.
14. Develop a SMO strategy: define your objectives and set goals. Be fully aware of what you want to achieve as a result of these tactics.
15. Choose your tactics wisely: Be aware that actions have more impact on the pursuit of their goals.
16. Make SMO part process of best practice: Find ways to incorporate your SMO tactics workflow, document and distribute it to those involved.
The emergence of social communities, web 2.0 portals, mashups, RSS and millions of blogs interacting, is changing the traditional division of Internet traffic. Previously, traffic was provided almost solely through the portals, search engines, however many visitors now come from referrals. Blind eye to this change, it would be a big mistake.
Optimization Rules for Social Media
1. Increase your ability to be bound: The first and most important. Web page as possible has to stop being "static."
2. Give your page add to favorites or accept tags: Add buttons to "add to del.icio.us" or other services.
3. Reward those who link their website (inbound links): To encourage the links, we need to make this process simple and provide clear benefits. The use of "permanent links" to blogs, for example.
4. Help your content "journey": Unlike SEO, SMO is not only to make adjustments to a website. If you have content that may be "portable" (such as PDFs, videos or audio), send them to sites and / or relevant blogs.
5. Promote the use of "mashups" (hybrid): The recommendation goes through SMO enable our content to be used by others and generate attention to ourselves.
6. Is a useful resource for its users, even if not directly support: Include links to pages and information that may help them with their goals and purposes. In this way, your page becomes the benchmark for a specific community.
7. Reward helpful and valuable users: These users will be good influences or spokespersons of your page. Find ways to "reward." Perhaps you can present them in their homepage, or develop a system of "charted". Sometimes an email or a private note thanking them for their help can be very favorable. Try to be always truthful.
8. Join: Join the conversation. Internet is becoming a two-way street. Participate makes the message spread further and faster.
9. Learn how to reach your audience: If you know your audience, is in trouble. There will always be a specific audience that will find interesting and others not. Worry that truly please the interested.
10. Cree Content: Certain content ranging naturally socially, no matter what industry you are or how boring are the products you sell, there's a type of content that works.
11. Be authentic: A community does not reward those who are false. This post can be very illustrative in this regard.
12. Do not forget your roots, be humble: If you have become a "Blog Star" or the page gets amazing traffic, do not let the smoke will rise.
13. Do not be afraid to try new things, keep fresh its proposal: Internet as a social phenomenon mutates every minute. Be aware of new tools, products and challenges.
14. Develop a SMO strategy: define your objectives and set goals. Be fully aware of what you want to achieve as a result of these tactics.
15. Choose your tactics wisely: Be aware that actions have more impact on the pursuit of their goals.
16. Make SMO part process of best practice: Find ways to incorporate your SMO tactics workflow, document and distribute it to those involved.