Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Best Way to Make Money With Amazon on Your Site

Are you looking to start making money with Amazon? When it comes to making money with Amazon on your website it is very easy as long as you take the time to implement a couple tips that I have for you.
These two tips are used by most of the top affiliates for Amazon but most of the newer affiliates are totally looking over it.
Before we get to the tips let's talk about what works best for making money with Amazon.
First of all the thing that I have found to work best are sites that offer a review of a few products with price comparisons.
These types of sites are able to give all the information that your reader would need in order to make the best decision about what product to buy and it is that very reason that it will convert to more sales.
Think about this, wouldn't you buy more items from Wal-Mart or any other store if they placed all similar items next to each other with a review of each one and a recommendation? I bet you would, actually I know you would.
In a recent study I had a local store place a review of 4 products which only 1 was actually selling and the results were staggering.
At the end of 2 weeks the 1 item that was selling was still selling, so the review didn't hurt the product but the nice thing was the other 3 products all started to take off and the totaled sold was double the previous best selling item.
Tips to make money with Amazon: Link to actual products in your text - The reason you want to actually link to products within text is because people will more than likely click through that way rather than using a widget or banner ad.
Linking within text is a great way to catch a reader's eye since they are already looking at the text on your website.
Create many text links - The process of getting sales simply means you need to place more links in each post on your website.
For me I tend to add at least 5 per page that way the reader has many chances to click and there shouldn't be any reason for them to miss the link.
When it comes to making money with Amazon you won't repeatedly make money if you don't follow these 2 tips.
They are proven to work.
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