- Keep the office clean. Pick up any garbage or papers off the floor and empty the trash each day. Especially look out for staples or tacks on the floor that someone may step on. Dispose of spoiled food and avoid open drinks to prevent spills.
- Organizing is very important to office safety. Properly store all materials, so you always know where they are. Always stack objects from heaviest to lightest, and make sure desks, shelves and tables can hold the weight you're putting on them.
- If you work in a public office, only allow certain electronics from home. Avoid frayed electrical cords and broken outlets. Keep electric panel doors shut at all times and unblocked for easy access. Also, avoid storing liquids around any electronics.
- Fire safety is important no matter where you are. Have fire drills every year and with new staff, and map out a meeting place outside the building . Keep a list of names of those working in your office so you know if everyone is safe. Keep fire equipment easily accessible.
- Conduct safety inspections monthly. Make sure everyone wears safe work shoes, and remind staff members how to report hazards. Check around the office for things that don't belong.
Keep Clean
Fire Safety
Safety Inspections