Hair loss is slowed and in many cases reversed by use of a laser hair comb if body and scalp conditions are at their best. Some conditions are easily improved, and others require consultation with a medical professional. Make sure you consult your doctor before you change any health regimen including the addition or deletion of medications, change of diet and then the use of a laser hair comb.
Diet and Healthy Hair
For optimum scalp health and to maximize the benefit of using a laser hair comb [], your whole body needs to enjoy a balanced diet. This includes lean protein, soy, complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables and monounsaturated fats found in extra virgin olive oil and nuts. Carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta and bread turn immediately to glucose and elevate blood sugar levels which hamper a balanced blood sugar level necessary for optimum health. Alcohol should be limited to one drink per day as it robs the body of zinc, vitamin B, folic acid and vitamin C and upsets blood sugar levels. Caffeine depletes the body of Vitamin B and C, potassium and zinc. Decreasing nutrients in the bloodstream increases levels of DHT which inhibits the growth of new hair. Use of a laser hair comb will not be as beneficial if DHT is allowed to accumulate in the follicles. Nicotine of course should be avoided.
What Drugs Cause Hair Loss?
Even a laser hair comb [] cannot combat certain medications that may or may not be prescribed by a medical professional. The following is only a partial listing, and of course you must investigate any medications you are taking for their relevance to scalp health.
Cholesterol lowering drugs, Parkinson medications, ulcer drugs, anti-coagulants, anti-arthritics, anti-convulsants, antidepressants, beta blockers, anti-thyroid agents and male hormones may cause hair loss (reversible alopecia). In addition this list includes acne, diet and anti-fungal medications. Your doctor can look up your medications in his Physician's Desk Reference to see if the drug is linked to reversible alopecia, and may be able to substitute another medication. Your pharmacist is also a knowledgeable person to ask.
Other Causes of Hair Loss That May Not be Helped by a Laser Hair Comb
There are other temporary or longer term issues that may inhibit the ability of the laser hair comb to increase hair growth. Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis and Schleroderma along with the autoimmune disease alopecia totalis or universalis cause balding. Exposure to toxic chemicals (including tobacco smoke), radiation exposure, iron deficiency, hormonal changes (pregnancy), thyroid disease and stress including crash diets can be factors. It is important to note that many of these conditions change and hair follicles that are not totally "dead" for more that seven years can re-grow hair. The use of a laser hair comb along with proper nourishment, vitamins, exercise and optimum scalp care including proper shampoos, scalp nutrients and conditioners can reawaken, open up and spur follicles back into action to produce hair. Follicles that may be producing fine, weakened hair shafts will start producing thicker, shinier and healthier hair.
Hope for Laser Hair Comb Use in Your Situation
Use of a laser hair comb [] can help in so many situations, and until the reasons for the hair loss are analyzed a hopeful situation should prevail, and all steps to provide your scalp with a healthy environment should be taken. Very few conditions dictate total baldness, and even male pattern baldness can be stopped and reversed if caught early. If you can see that any of your parents exhibit balding tendencies, you should start using a laser hair comb and following the health guidelines suggested above. An early start gives you a heads-up on a healthier, younger looking you.
Diet and Healthy Hair
For optimum scalp health and to maximize the benefit of using a laser hair comb [], your whole body needs to enjoy a balanced diet. This includes lean protein, soy, complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables and monounsaturated fats found in extra virgin olive oil and nuts. Carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta and bread turn immediately to glucose and elevate blood sugar levels which hamper a balanced blood sugar level necessary for optimum health. Alcohol should be limited to one drink per day as it robs the body of zinc, vitamin B, folic acid and vitamin C and upsets blood sugar levels. Caffeine depletes the body of Vitamin B and C, potassium and zinc. Decreasing nutrients in the bloodstream increases levels of DHT which inhibits the growth of new hair. Use of a laser hair comb will not be as beneficial if DHT is allowed to accumulate in the follicles. Nicotine of course should be avoided.
What Drugs Cause Hair Loss?
Even a laser hair comb [] cannot combat certain medications that may or may not be prescribed by a medical professional. The following is only a partial listing, and of course you must investigate any medications you are taking for their relevance to scalp health.
Cholesterol lowering drugs, Parkinson medications, ulcer drugs, anti-coagulants, anti-arthritics, anti-convulsants, antidepressants, beta blockers, anti-thyroid agents and male hormones may cause hair loss (reversible alopecia). In addition this list includes acne, diet and anti-fungal medications. Your doctor can look up your medications in his Physician's Desk Reference to see if the drug is linked to reversible alopecia, and may be able to substitute another medication. Your pharmacist is also a knowledgeable person to ask.
Other Causes of Hair Loss That May Not be Helped by a Laser Hair Comb
There are other temporary or longer term issues that may inhibit the ability of the laser hair comb to increase hair growth. Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis and Schleroderma along with the autoimmune disease alopecia totalis or universalis cause balding. Exposure to toxic chemicals (including tobacco smoke), radiation exposure, iron deficiency, hormonal changes (pregnancy), thyroid disease and stress including crash diets can be factors. It is important to note that many of these conditions change and hair follicles that are not totally "dead" for more that seven years can re-grow hair. The use of a laser hair comb along with proper nourishment, vitamins, exercise and optimum scalp care including proper shampoos, scalp nutrients and conditioners can reawaken, open up and spur follicles back into action to produce hair. Follicles that may be producing fine, weakened hair shafts will start producing thicker, shinier and healthier hair.
Hope for Laser Hair Comb Use in Your Situation
Use of a laser hair comb [] can help in so many situations, and until the reasons for the hair loss are analyzed a hopeful situation should prevail, and all steps to provide your scalp with a healthy environment should be taken. Very few conditions dictate total baldness, and even male pattern baldness can be stopped and reversed if caught early. If you can see that any of your parents exhibit balding tendencies, you should start using a laser hair comb and following the health guidelines suggested above. An early start gives you a heads-up on a healthier, younger looking you.