Insurance Renters Insurance

How Title Insurance Protects You

Investing in a property is very important for us.
We work hard to afford the mortgage.
We look for our ideal home and hope to stay in that house for a long time.
This is why we want to be certain that our home has a good, clean title.
In order to protect us, we, the home buyers, are required to have title insurance.
What is title insurance and how does it protect you? Do you really need to have one? Acquiring a title insurance is essential because things can go wrong when property acquisitions were recorded.
As you may already know, recording the details years ago was different.
There are a limited number of records produced.
They are not stored in secured area as well.
The acquisition of the information reflected on the record is not entirely accurate too.
There could be errors in the process.
Having a title insurance will protect you from any errors caused by the mistakes done in the recording and transfer of information.
To understand how the insurance can help you, you need to know the process of ensuring that the title is clean.
First, the history of how the deed was acquired and who acquire it will be checked.
The date of the acquisition of the deed will also be determined as well.
The investigation continues until the title company finds the US patent of the land.
To help the title company, they check other relevant documents such as the death certificates, marriage contracts and tax sales.
It is important that you avail of a title insurance whenever you purchase a home.
This protects you from any problems you might encounter regarding title problems.
As mentioned earlier, this is a requirement of the lender before he can grant any mortgage loan application.
This is among the requirements because the lender understands that there is a risk in purchasing a property.
The buyer as well as the lender could lose significant amount of money if there is a problem with the title.
You have to understand that there are several coverage for the insurance.
There is the basic owner's title policy, the basic lender's title policy and the extended owner's coverage.
The consumer can choose from any of the said coverage.
In some states, the seller is required to acquire and pay for the title insurance for you.
However, if you purchase the property with lender financing, you will need to pay for the lender's title insurance policy.
The title insurance can protect you in many ways.
One, it will help you ensure that the seller of the property has the right over the property he is selling.
It will also uncover any constraints or limitations of the property such as a mechanic's lien as well.
Finally, it will provide you with more information about the property you are purchasing.
The details are not only about the physical defects of the property.
It will also give you information about the documents that could affect the title of the property.
The title insurance can help you in many ways.
That is why you should not take it for granted, find a title company that will provide you with the information you need.
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