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How a Florida Workers' Compensation Attorney Helps People Pursue and Obtain Benefits

Unfortunately, workers' compensation laws and the resulting system is extremely confusing for nearly everyone who must deal with them, and the result of this confusion is that many deserving people do not obtain the benefits they need. Anyone who faces this scenario needs to obtain the help of workers comp lawyers in Florida as soon as possible.Below you will find information regarding how workers comp lawyers in Miami take steps that help clients who have been injured in the workplace pursue and ultimately obtain the benefits that they need. You will also find information regarding how you can contact an experienced Florida workers compensation attorney to schedule a free initial consultation if you or someone you love is dealing with this complicated situation and you need legal help.

By Reviewing the Incident in Question

One of the first problems that can arise for someone who has been injured in the workplace and who decides to pursue benefits as a result is that the details of the incident that led to the injury can be questioned. This questioning can lead to a worker feeling as though he or she may not be in the right by pursuing benefits. Workers comp lawyers in Florida can help review a situation that led to the injuries suffered so that the worker can have a better understanding of his or her legal rights.

By Reviewing the Medical Exam

When someone is injured in the workplace in Florida, that person is required to obtain a medical examination that will provide documentation of the nature and scope of that person's injuries. This documentation is then used to classify the worker in such a way that his or her benefits can be calculated. Unfortunately, many workers who are harmed are not given a fair examination and their classification as a result is flawed. A Florida workers compensation attorney can review the documentation regarding the exam and help to have it corrected in certain ways.

By Handling Appeals

Despite the best efforts made by workers who file compensation benefits claims in good faith and for good reason, some claims are rejected initially. Workers who face this situation can appeal that decision and have their claims reviewed. Those who do so need to have the help of workers comp lawyers in Florida so that they can be sure to present the strongest case possible.

If you or someone you love has been injured in the workplace, you need to seek the help of a Florida workers compensation attorney who has been fighting for the rights of clients for many years. Contact Bernstein & Maryanoff today to schedule a free initial consultation.
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