- Most demons in the "World of Warcraft" universe belong to the Burning Legion. An army of demons, infernals and other corrupted races, the Burning Legion seeks to destroy order in the universe. The Legion first invaded Azeroth, the planet in which the events of "World of Warcraft takes place", 10,000 years prior to the game's current timeline. Although the various races of the planet banded together to repel the invasion demons still exist on Azeroth and continue to undermine society with their malicious plans.
- The "World of Warcraft" universe contains 16 demon classes of varying powers. Warlocks, one of the most powerful class of demons, can summon lesser demons such as imps, succubus and voidwalkers to their side during battle. Felguards and Gan'args serve as foot soldiers and engineers in the armies of the Black Legion and they require little effort to kill compared to the gigantic Pit Lords who act as the generals for the army.
- Beasts constitute most of the classes corrupted by the demonic engergies of the Burning Legion. Enslaved to do the bidding of the more powerful demonic classes, the classes of beast include warp stalkers, darkhounds, hellboars and felstakers. Two races of elf and orc have also been corrupted by demonic energy. Felblood elves changed after absorbing energy from the Suspended Terrorguards, while Fel orcs transformed after coming into contact with the Blood of Mannoroth.
- Demons have several distinct characteristics in the "World of Warcraft" universe. With the exception of darkhounds and felhounds, demons cannot be skinned. Higher level demons, 24 and up, can drop such rare items as silk cloth and felcloth. A player can have his weapon enchanted with "Demonslaying", which gives their weapon an attack bonus when used against a demon. A paladin's "Turn Evil" spell can cause a demon to flee in fear during battle.
Burning Legion
Corrupted Classes
Demon Characteristics