- 1). Write an introduction for your essay presenting your main idea regarding encouragement. The purpose of an introduction is to grab the reader's attention and create interest. Keep the introduction brief, using three to six sentences.
- 2). Write support paragraphs to further explain or elaborate on your main idea regarding encouragement. In this motivational essay each support paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. The remaining sentences of the paragraph provide explanation, illustration or examples to build upon the topic sentence related to encouragement.
- 3). Use transition words, like therefore, however and whereas to improve the flow between sentences and paragraphs. Transitions also include repetition of key words, as well as time and place words such as first, finally and tomorrow.
- 4). Conclude the essay on encouragement by summing up your suggestions and comments related to motivating through encouragement. The conclusion of your essay should come full circle and relate back to your introduction, challenging the reader to apply the suggestions or tactics of your main idea.