- 1). Find a sample image of Charmander to help you draw. Look at Oh Hey Charmander or Neoseeker online for a good picture to work from. Charmander also appears in anime television shows, videos, books and magazines.
- 2). Use a pencil to draw a large egg shape in the middle of the paper. Put the narrow part of the egg at the top and tilt it to the left a bit. Draw the bottom of the egg a bit wider on the left side to indicate the bump of the belly.
- 3). Draw a circle for the head that is about one quarter the length of the body. Place it over the top of the egg shape, a bit to the left. The bottom half of the circle should be over the top of the egg shape.
- 4). Draw an oval over the bottom half of the head that juts out on the left side. This is the jaw. Draw a wide smile line about one third up from the bottom of the oval, starting on the left side. Draw the bottom part of the smile underneath this line and add four little teeth. Check your reference drawing for the position of the teeth. Add small egg shapes for eyes. Finish the eyes with even smaller egg shapes inside for the pupils.
- 5). Check your reference image of Charmander for the position of the arms and legs. Use oval shapes to draw the arms and legs. The lower legs may take one or two ovals to draw, depending on the pose.
- 6). Draw the oval on the inside of the belly where Charmander changes color. Draw the hands and feet in as rectangles with rounded corners. Draw the fingers as small triangles. Draw small ovals for the claws on the feet. Draw points on the ends of the claws.
- 7). Start the tail on the right side of the body near the bottom. Draw a quarter circle that extends out from the right side. Draw the top side of the tail, tapering it to a point at the end. Draw a third tail line almost at the bottom extending up towards the end. This is where the tail changes color. Draw a flame shape on the tip of the tail.
- 8). Cover the most important pencil lines with a black ink marker to finish your drawing. Once the ink is dry, erase the left over pencil lines. Color with watercolors or markers if desired.