For many people, the first major introduction to martial arts is through cinema.
There are a lot of movies that have come out from the past to present that deal with the art of fighting.
Every genre in the world has been explored in this manner, and many people try to copy the moves.
Some people study them, and there are even movies like "Bulletproof Monk" that tell stories of people who learned from watching the kung fu movies of the 1970s.
Is it really possible to master the art form from keeping an eye on the silver screen? The Short Answer No.
If you copy what you see in movies, you will not be successful in mastering any art form.
The longer answer is an interesting one, and should not be dismissed.
You will find that if you can take the principles that are talked about within certain movies and use them to focus your energy on the real learning process that comes with engaging the art forms presented through fighting arts, you can do some incredible things.
For instance, if you were to follow the Warrior Code that is talked about in many kung fu movies, you could very well become a better individual.
Assuming you took the time to learn more about it than just what is spoke on the films.
The Real Mastery Solution The start of all knowledge in the martial arts world is curiosity.
You will have a curiosity as to what the real art form is and how it is instructed.
You could purchase a book, which was one of the original methods of teaching and start to practice stance, motion, and movement.
It's there that you will start to learn about discipline, and it should push you to find a good school in your area and then practice, learn, and motivate yourself through the steps.
A good teacher will help you on your way.
A Life of Learning While the curiosity may begin with pop culture, you will find that the reality of kung fu, karate, or any other form takes a lifetime to master.
What is put into a movie for 90 minutes is not a faithful representation of the mastery of any form.
However, the movies do mention and sometimes highlight that the most iconic of heroes that can rise against insurmountable odds have studied from a young age into adulthood.
Think about that for a second.
The most memorable heroes studied from age 4, 5, or even their teenage years, and then studied daily, for decades before the time came to use their skill in battle.
There's no end to the learning cycle either, and that's something that cannot be shown in 90 minutes.
If you commit yourself to a life of training, great things will manifest, but only if you stay on the path.
Modern Samurai Society - Standing United We Pack a Punch
There are a lot of movies that have come out from the past to present that deal with the art of fighting.
Every genre in the world has been explored in this manner, and many people try to copy the moves.
Some people study them, and there are even movies like "Bulletproof Monk" that tell stories of people who learned from watching the kung fu movies of the 1970s.
Is it really possible to master the art form from keeping an eye on the silver screen? The Short Answer No.
If you copy what you see in movies, you will not be successful in mastering any art form.
The longer answer is an interesting one, and should not be dismissed.
You will find that if you can take the principles that are talked about within certain movies and use them to focus your energy on the real learning process that comes with engaging the art forms presented through fighting arts, you can do some incredible things.
For instance, if you were to follow the Warrior Code that is talked about in many kung fu movies, you could very well become a better individual.
Assuming you took the time to learn more about it than just what is spoke on the films.
The Real Mastery Solution The start of all knowledge in the martial arts world is curiosity.
You will have a curiosity as to what the real art form is and how it is instructed.
You could purchase a book, which was one of the original methods of teaching and start to practice stance, motion, and movement.
It's there that you will start to learn about discipline, and it should push you to find a good school in your area and then practice, learn, and motivate yourself through the steps.
A good teacher will help you on your way.
A Life of Learning While the curiosity may begin with pop culture, you will find that the reality of kung fu, karate, or any other form takes a lifetime to master.
What is put into a movie for 90 minutes is not a faithful representation of the mastery of any form.
However, the movies do mention and sometimes highlight that the most iconic of heroes that can rise against insurmountable odds have studied from a young age into adulthood.
Think about that for a second.
The most memorable heroes studied from age 4, 5, or even their teenage years, and then studied daily, for decades before the time came to use their skill in battle.
There's no end to the learning cycle either, and that's something that cannot be shown in 90 minutes.
If you commit yourself to a life of training, great things will manifest, but only if you stay on the path.
Modern Samurai Society - Standing United We Pack a Punch