Everyone knows that when you move, things can get a little heated.
I know one couple that still will not talk about "the move that isn't to be mentioned".
With their experience in mind I made the decision to purchase moving pads before our latest move.
As it turns out, that simple little decision to put a little padding between what could have been a disaster just may have saved my marriage! Every couple has that certain piece of furniture that they just cannot agree upon.
You know the one I'm talking about.
It could be a beat up recliner, or an ugly lamp, or a rickety old bookshelf that was made by your novice husband that leans ever so slightly to one side (the bookshelf, not the husband).
Yes, that piece of furniture.
In my younger days, I remember "accidentally" dropping one of those ugly lamps during a move; however, I didn't want to risk a seasoned marriage going to the mat for doing the same.
After all, you can get away with a lot of things when you are first married.
This time, I wanted some insurance with the use of moving pads.
This particular piece of furniture was "well-worn" and really should have been chopped up for fire wood.
For whatever reason, my husband hung onto it.
It was a piece of his history, a part of him that he wanted to keep from a bygone era that was just never coming back...
like those plaid slacks from the 1970's.
Not wanting to ignite a moving day fire, I called him in to help me wrap and secure his precious furniture with the moving pads, bands and tape that I bought.
Two things happened.
First, he was shocked and very appreciative that I thought about purchasing the furniture blankets to protect something that he cared about.
Second, he was surprised, and maybe a little nervous, that I didn't complain about having to bring that piece of furniture with us yet again.
As we wrapped up that furniture he told me about some of the reasons that it meant so much to him.
It was a great "sharing" moment that could have been something very different if I didn't purchase those moving pads.
So, the move went well and the moving pads did their job.
They protected the furniture and put a little padding in some moving day tension.
That "certain" piece of furniture; however, didn't fare so well.
As the movers hauled it up the three flights of stairs to our new place they tripped and it rolled down the stairs...
all three flights.
The pads kept it secure and there were no scratches, but it was a little rickety to begin with so didn't survive.
My husband handled it well.
He simply said that he was ready to let it go.
I know one couple that still will not talk about "the move that isn't to be mentioned".
With their experience in mind I made the decision to purchase moving pads before our latest move.
As it turns out, that simple little decision to put a little padding between what could have been a disaster just may have saved my marriage! Every couple has that certain piece of furniture that they just cannot agree upon.
You know the one I'm talking about.
It could be a beat up recliner, or an ugly lamp, or a rickety old bookshelf that was made by your novice husband that leans ever so slightly to one side (the bookshelf, not the husband).
Yes, that piece of furniture.
In my younger days, I remember "accidentally" dropping one of those ugly lamps during a move; however, I didn't want to risk a seasoned marriage going to the mat for doing the same.
After all, you can get away with a lot of things when you are first married.
This time, I wanted some insurance with the use of moving pads.
This particular piece of furniture was "well-worn" and really should have been chopped up for fire wood.
For whatever reason, my husband hung onto it.
It was a piece of his history, a part of him that he wanted to keep from a bygone era that was just never coming back...
like those plaid slacks from the 1970's.
Not wanting to ignite a moving day fire, I called him in to help me wrap and secure his precious furniture with the moving pads, bands and tape that I bought.
Two things happened.
First, he was shocked and very appreciative that I thought about purchasing the furniture blankets to protect something that he cared about.
Second, he was surprised, and maybe a little nervous, that I didn't complain about having to bring that piece of furniture with us yet again.
As we wrapped up that furniture he told me about some of the reasons that it meant so much to him.
It was a great "sharing" moment that could have been something very different if I didn't purchase those moving pads.
So, the move went well and the moving pads did their job.
They protected the furniture and put a little padding in some moving day tension.
That "certain" piece of furniture; however, didn't fare so well.
As the movers hauled it up the three flights of stairs to our new place they tripped and it rolled down the stairs...
all three flights.
The pads kept it secure and there were no scratches, but it was a little rickety to begin with so didn't survive.
My husband handled it well.
He simply said that he was ready to let it go.