One of the absolute best methods to drive traffic to your website is through the use of an affiliate program.
All you need to do is set up an affiliate program, provide them the tools and let them go to work, right? Not always.
Take advantage of one aspect of affiliate programs that affiliates love, the instant commission, and watch your website traffic soar.
What are instant commissions? They are exactly what you might think, instant.
More importantly, they are paid instantly to the affiliate who is doing all the work to promote and acquire traffic to your offers.
This means that for every sale the affiliate generates they are paid that day.
This sure beats the normal waiting period of 30 days or even more for some affiliate programs.
What if there are refunds? People worry about refunds on instantly paid commissions for some reason more than they do for a 30 day payout.
As if somehow paying "those who work for you" is at fault for the refund.
People will refund products all the time.
Some people are actually habitual return-ers.
They buy and return stuff no matter who sold it to them or when the affiliate gets paid.
Even if the affiliate does get a refund, simply apply the balance forward to their next sale.
Your affiliate program hopefully has a way to track both sales in refunds to account for them both.
Why do affiliates try harder with instant commissions? Ever heard the saying "a bird in the hand"? Well, money in your affiliates pocket is an incentive.
Who likes to wait 30 days to enjoy the spoils of hard work.
Affiliates with instant commissions will often drive that much more traffic to your website simply because they could use extra cash this weekend.
Perhaps they have a party, or some vacation coming up, who knows.
But my payment processor doesn't do payments that way.
Find a different payment processor for your affiliate program.
Or learn more about the one you have.
There are plenty of methods for paying affiliates right away.
Even PayPal has the ability to do split payments or a round-robin where the affiliates might get every other payment on a 50/50 split for instance.
There is no rule that says an affiliate payment center has to come through your actual office.
I know it is nice to "handle" the money, but if your affiliate program is set up properly with a respected company you should have them do the work.
In either case, offer your affiliates instant commissions and watch them get reinvigorated to drive even more traffic to your websites.
All you need to do is set up an affiliate program, provide them the tools and let them go to work, right? Not always.
Take advantage of one aspect of affiliate programs that affiliates love, the instant commission, and watch your website traffic soar.
What are instant commissions? They are exactly what you might think, instant.
More importantly, they are paid instantly to the affiliate who is doing all the work to promote and acquire traffic to your offers.
This means that for every sale the affiliate generates they are paid that day.
This sure beats the normal waiting period of 30 days or even more for some affiliate programs.
What if there are refunds? People worry about refunds on instantly paid commissions for some reason more than they do for a 30 day payout.
As if somehow paying "those who work for you" is at fault for the refund.
People will refund products all the time.
Some people are actually habitual return-ers.
They buy and return stuff no matter who sold it to them or when the affiliate gets paid.
Even if the affiliate does get a refund, simply apply the balance forward to their next sale.
Your affiliate program hopefully has a way to track both sales in refunds to account for them both.
Why do affiliates try harder with instant commissions? Ever heard the saying "a bird in the hand"? Well, money in your affiliates pocket is an incentive.
Who likes to wait 30 days to enjoy the spoils of hard work.
Affiliates with instant commissions will often drive that much more traffic to your website simply because they could use extra cash this weekend.
Perhaps they have a party, or some vacation coming up, who knows.
But my payment processor doesn't do payments that way.
Find a different payment processor for your affiliate program.
Or learn more about the one you have.
There are plenty of methods for paying affiliates right away.
Even PayPal has the ability to do split payments or a round-robin where the affiliates might get every other payment on a 50/50 split for instance.
There is no rule that says an affiliate payment center has to come through your actual office.
I know it is nice to "handle" the money, but if your affiliate program is set up properly with a respected company you should have them do the work.
In either case, offer your affiliates instant commissions and watch them get reinvigorated to drive even more traffic to your websites.