Health & Medical Men's Health

Peyronies Disease and Its Possible Treatments

Peyronies diseaseis a type disorder related to the penis in which a penile curvature is observed in the patient.
In this type of disorder, the patient suffers from an exaggerated or abnormal type of curve in the shaft of his penis.
Surveys report that almost 10% of the male population has this penile curvature problem.
Biological Explanation Biologically speaking, Peyronie's effect is the resultant of the development and accumulation of some fibrous type of plaques in the penis.
In this disorder, a scarring develops in the inner tunica albuginea region of the penis.
The tunica albuginea is basically a dense mesh of tissues surrounding the mid corpora cavernosa portion of the penis.
Such type of plague accumulation leads to the irregular curvature, soreness, indentation of the penis and also causes impotency issues in men.
Not only the penile length decreases, but a decrease in the circumference of the penis is also noticed under the impact of this condition.
Treatments for Peyronie's effect Unlike the olden times, when there were no cures available for such medical condition, medical science today has found several possible treatments for curing the penile curvature problem but unfortunately, none of the treatment procedures are simple and easy.
However, both surgical as well as non-surgical treatments are available and some of them are listed below:-
  • Tissue Grafting
Tissue grafting is by far the most common surgical cure for Peyronie's effect.
This process involves the removal of the plague from the penis, which causes it to bend.
The place occupied by plague is then filled up by tissues taken from other parts of the patient's body.
This is a purely surgical process, which can prove expensive for the patient and can be painful at the same time.
However, this is a commonly adopted method of treatment and is practiced by doctors commonly.
  • Penile Implants
In severe cases of Peyronie's effect wherein tissue grafting isn't possible due to some reason, doctors go for penile implantation as the last option.
This surgical procedure is preferred in cases where the penis bends severely and there is no erection.
This surgery implants a plastic/fiber cylinder in the penile chambers wherein blood fills in during erection.
This intends to make the penis straight while erection and thus helps the penis in bending away from that plague.
  • Nesbit Process
In Nesbit process, a sterile liquid containing physiologic salt is filled up in the penis to cause artificial erection.
Doctors then gather and clamp the outer portion of the curvature to straighten the penis.
This procedure involves a step by step process under which the external skin of the penis is pulled back so as to straighten the penis and the excess tissue on the sides is either cinched together or removed.
However, this process renders the penis to lose its length to a certain extent.
  • Traction Devices
Traction devices which are non-invasive in nature can also solve the Peyronie's issue.
The device causes the penile tissues to expand and hence, makes the penis curve away from the accumulated plague.
Even though some of the initials introductions in traction devices were not comfortable, the present day versions of these devices are highly comfortable to wear and easily camouflaged such that you can also go outside wearing one.
  • Collagenase and Verapamil Injections
These are again not so painful and non-surgical methods of treating this condition.
Collagenase helps in breaking down and removing plague from the penis and hence, it is injected into the penis by the Doctors.
Verapamil injection helps in preventing tissue hardening and the formation of plagues in future.
There are many other successful methods available for treating Peyronies disease.
However, patients need to report this to Doctors before starting the treatment so as to avoid any kind of complications.
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