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Improve Golf Swing With an Empty Box

Do you still have the cardboard box packing where your golf clubs came in? Good.
You do not have to go to a sports store to get any of the golf training aids that they have and that many golfers use to improve golf swing.
First warm up.
Hit some fifteen balls with the number 5 or 7 wood or iron.
Then you can use your cardboard box for practice in a driving range.
Once warmed up you can set up your training aid by placing the cardboard box towards the target, lengthwise, about 5" or 6" away from the ball.
The intention is to strike the ball without hitting the box.
In case you do not know how to set it up, get help from someone in the range.
Begin by taking a few practice swings.
Swing the club so that it brushes the ground softly.
Don't hit the box.
After a few swings, place a ball in front of the box and hit it without hitting the box.
In case you do hit the box, reset it to its initial position and try again.
Keep your swings slow at first and gradually increase the speed.
When you get to the stage when you can consecutively hit a couple or more balls without hitting the box, decrease the distance by a half-inch.
Continue practising, gradually decreasing the distance till the box is only and inch or two away from the ball.
Now increase the speed of your swing to the speed that you usually play with.
If you can do it then it means that your swing is within the correct zone.
If not, then your swing is on the outside, either before or after the impact and can happen because of two reasons; either you are improperly holding the club or your aim with the clubface is not proper.
Whatever the reason, it is best that you consult a professional coach who can watch your swing and correct it.
Once you can unerringly hit the ball without hitting the box, then this training is aid is no longer necessary to improve golf swing.
You can practice without it.
If you begin to hit outside again, replace the box and try to recollect how you swung the club while practicing.
Other than this simple box, there are also other training aids to help improve golf swing and they come at a cost of some $10.
00 to get and use.
The best thing about this kind of training aid is that you do not have to worry if the box gets damaged and get riddled with holes.
You can still get another with similar specifications and continue practising.
An alternative to the cardboard box would be a soft, long and round foam that is used as a pool toy.
Hand positioning is vital to keep your swing from going to the outside.
So is speed.
Remember that it is not the inside out or the opposite swing that is the correct swing path.
Neither is it going down the straight path.
It is an inside to inside movement and you will have to practice till you get the hang of it.
But once you get it, then you will have the satisfaction of seeing the ball soar into the air and land close to the hole that you are playing.
Use simple training aids and improve golf swing.
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