Law & Legal & Attorney Criminal Law & procedure

Follow the practice of Education Verification before the fresh recruitment

Just screening the candidate in an interview round is not enough. Checking against submitted credentials is equally important procedure before extending your human resource. Over the years, it has been observed that few candidates provide

inadequate information about their highest degree acquired or may be about their passing year.

Moreover, it is common practice followed by the many candidates is to embellish their resume by  mentioning the related certificate or diploma courses which they have never acquired actually. They think owing to such practice their chances of  grabbing the employment will improve substantially.

 Especially, if you are looking potential candidates for the managerial position then testimonial crosschecking is an extremely important procedure that cannot be avoided in any case.

In addition, it is just not for the domestic employment but the international as well. Usually, human resource department of the organization is responsible for carrying out the education verification task. But, the reach of the HR department is quite limited because their job profile is not just confined to verification instead they have to perform various other tasks as well.

 However, they perform primary verification for sure. But, they do not have time and resources to  vent into the official records of school, college, boards or universities. Generally, they believe on the certificates provided by the candidate in support of his/her claims mentioned in the resume. But, there are various cases came into the light about the forged academic documents.

However, not all candidates produce false documents but there are cases in the past. So no organization would like to cover the risk of hiring an incompetent employee.

But, the verification procedure will require extra expenditure as well, that too from the company's end. In the era of

economic slash down, no company would like to bear this extra expenditure. However, they do understand the degree of  potential damage as well.

For the ease of such organizations, there are various agencies for education verification in India. These agencies specialize in educational document verification. Such agencies are run by the team of experts who are equipped with years of experience

and acumen. Their main job includes checking the facts supplied by the candidate during the hiring process. Because these are the licensed agencies so they hold an exclusive right of directly contacting the

University/Institute/College/campus against all the odds. They go in depth to figure about the fact of actual credit earned. In addition, they check the authenticity of acquired degree / diplomas with the exact passing year. Domestic

verification of documents hardly takes 3-5 business days, whereas, international verification might take 7 to 15 days.
Moreover, this is just not about the educational certificates, many candidates lie about their age as well. From the

document check exact date of birth can also be extracted without any trouble. Employers remain in peace of mind if they hire a candidate who is verified from the screening agency. Furthermore, employers would not require to engage their internal staff to carry out the verification task.  
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