Generally, it is believed that personal loans and credit card consolidation are two different options available for money management. However, personal loans can accelerate the process of credit card debt consolidation.
Even some years back, things used to be difficult only for individuals with bad credit score; they had to bear an interest rate as high as 26%. However, people with good credit score used to get credit cards from the same lenders that had only 9.9% APR. Things have become different now. At this point of time, even individuals with impressive credit scores face high charges on their credit card accounts. You will rarely get credit cards with interest rates lower than 16% unless the individuals applying for the credit card boasts stellar credit ratings. Right now, theres no sprint SERO like offer in the credit card industry. Credit card consolidation becomes an option in several situations. This process involves consolidating a number of credit cards into a single larger account. This means, the account holder will have to pay once every month for replaying the amount borrowed from all the credit cards included in the larger account. Many consumers choose this procedure due to their inability of making multiple monthly payments against credit card debts having high interest rates. Once you have decided to opt for credit card consolidation, you will need to find out the most effective ways of reducing the finance charge or the payments.
As mentioned above, sometimes credit card consolidation works great in combination personal loans; however, to make that possible you will have to be eligible for getting bank loan at a low rate of interest. An individual who own 3 credit cards, each of which has the interest rates changed from the lower rates to interest rates more than 18% needs to pay a big amount every month as finance charges of those 3 accounts. This money paid as finance charges will help in owning a charge credit card having balance that gets carried to the next month.For getting personal loans, one must have a good credit score. If an individual is struggling to pay back the amount borrowed through the credit cards because of factors like reduced income, increased expenditure etc or if he is making late payments for the credit card bills, he might not be eligible for getting personal loans.
Finance experts for years have been suggesting that the best way of paying off an old debt is creating a new debt. However, in the current scenario of high interest rates for credit cards, this suggestion does not work anymore. Credit card debt consolidation through personal loan is only possible if you can manage to get unsecured personal loans. You can also borrow some money from a relative or friend.One significant point you must remember while using credit cards is that the credit card debts are unsecured debts. If you fail to pay back the due amount, you will not only damage your credit ratings, but will also be bothered by the collectors. They will call you initially and may also visit your residence. The only silver lining in all these is that you will not need to give away the items you purchased using your credit card. If the situation turns extreme, you can also opt for filing personal bankruptcy. Filing personal bankruptcy assists in reducing payoff amount or discharging the debt.
Even some years back, things used to be difficult only for individuals with bad credit score; they had to bear an interest rate as high as 26%. However, people with good credit score used to get credit cards from the same lenders that had only 9.9% APR. Things have become different now. At this point of time, even individuals with impressive credit scores face high charges on their credit card accounts. You will rarely get credit cards with interest rates lower than 16% unless the individuals applying for the credit card boasts stellar credit ratings. Right now, theres no sprint SERO like offer in the credit card industry. Credit card consolidation becomes an option in several situations. This process involves consolidating a number of credit cards into a single larger account. This means, the account holder will have to pay once every month for replaying the amount borrowed from all the credit cards included in the larger account. Many consumers choose this procedure due to their inability of making multiple monthly payments against credit card debts having high interest rates. Once you have decided to opt for credit card consolidation, you will need to find out the most effective ways of reducing the finance charge or the payments.
As mentioned above, sometimes credit card consolidation works great in combination personal loans; however, to make that possible you will have to be eligible for getting bank loan at a low rate of interest. An individual who own 3 credit cards, each of which has the interest rates changed from the lower rates to interest rates more than 18% needs to pay a big amount every month as finance charges of those 3 accounts. This money paid as finance charges will help in owning a charge credit card having balance that gets carried to the next month.For getting personal loans, one must have a good credit score. If an individual is struggling to pay back the amount borrowed through the credit cards because of factors like reduced income, increased expenditure etc or if he is making late payments for the credit card bills, he might not be eligible for getting personal loans.
Finance experts for years have been suggesting that the best way of paying off an old debt is creating a new debt. However, in the current scenario of high interest rates for credit cards, this suggestion does not work anymore. Credit card debt consolidation through personal loan is only possible if you can manage to get unsecured personal loans. You can also borrow some money from a relative or friend.One significant point you must remember while using credit cards is that the credit card debts are unsecured debts. If you fail to pay back the due amount, you will not only damage your credit ratings, but will also be bothered by the collectors. They will call you initially and may also visit your residence. The only silver lining in all these is that you will not need to give away the items you purchased using your credit card. If the situation turns extreme, you can also opt for filing personal bankruptcy. Filing personal bankruptcy assists in reducing payoff amount or discharging the debt.