In web development, the design of the website is considered a very important element for its success. One reason why it became important is because the design of the website is what build's a website's credibility as well as its trustworthiness in providing their services to customers. The design of the website doesn't only involve the use of colors, shapes, images, and simple animations, it also makes use of basic human understanding on how they would interact with your website and find the information they are looking for.
The true purpose of web designs is to allow our visitors to quickly and conveniently find their goal in our website. Sadly, many websites have lacked in this area and focused mainly on entertaining their visitors through their artistic designs and interactive windows. So what are the right ways of making the design of our websites work for us?
Clashing colors
The use of colors is integral to the success in conveying credible services to prospective clients. According to Web design Philippines experts, this involves the right use of colors such as light against dark or dark against light. One common combination is the use of black font against a light background such as white. However, many websites have forgotten this fact and made intricate designs out of it, such as using dark font colors against dark background or white font color with light background.
The reason why we want to make our content readable is for our visitors to easily and further understand what we do and we serve. Making it hard for them to read what we have written is one reason why many websites fails in their attempt to offer services to their customers.
The right font
Another is the use of font. Fonts used in a website should be readable and understandable. Many websites have come to use the font comic sans to make their websites more inviting. However, according to Web design Philippines experts, using fonts such as comic sans and other "stylish" fonts may reduce a website's credibility, particularly when if its a corporate website. Font such as arial, tahoma, verdana, and the new one called calibri are some of the most accepted fonts used in websites.
Too much image
According to Web design Philippines experts, putting images is also very important in the design of a website. It puts more life in a web page other than the use of colors and shapes. Although putting images can add to a website's credibility, too much of it could cause the website to load too slow which could also cause for visitors to leave the website.
Too much animations
Animations in websites are usually used in banners or in logos. However, many websites today have come to use the technology of Adobe Flash to create a full Flash website which is both entertaining and artistic. Although entertaining, the use of heavy Flash could also slow down its loading which could cause visitors to leave. Although there is the use of preloaders, the fact that it takes too long increases the chances of visitors on leaving the website.
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The true purpose of web designs is to allow our visitors to quickly and conveniently find their goal in our website. Sadly, many websites have lacked in this area and focused mainly on entertaining their visitors through their artistic designs and interactive windows. So what are the right ways of making the design of our websites work for us?
Clashing colors
The use of colors is integral to the success in conveying credible services to prospective clients. According to Web design Philippines experts, this involves the right use of colors such as light against dark or dark against light. One common combination is the use of black font against a light background such as white. However, many websites have forgotten this fact and made intricate designs out of it, such as using dark font colors against dark background or white font color with light background.
The reason why we want to make our content readable is for our visitors to easily and further understand what we do and we serve. Making it hard for them to read what we have written is one reason why many websites fails in their attempt to offer services to their customers.
The right font
Another is the use of font. Fonts used in a website should be readable and understandable. Many websites have come to use the font comic sans to make their websites more inviting. However, according to Web design Philippines experts, using fonts such as comic sans and other "stylish" fonts may reduce a website's credibility, particularly when if its a corporate website. Font such as arial, tahoma, verdana, and the new one called calibri are some of the most accepted fonts used in websites.
Too much image
According to Web design Philippines experts, putting images is also very important in the design of a website. It puts more life in a web page other than the use of colors and shapes. Although putting images can add to a website's credibility, too much of it could cause the website to load too slow which could also cause for visitors to leave the website.
Too much animations
Animations in websites are usually used in banners or in logos. However, many websites today have come to use the technology of Adobe Flash to create a full Flash website which is both entertaining and artistic. Although entertaining, the use of heavy Flash could also slow down its loading which could cause visitors to leave. Although there is the use of preloaders, the fact that it takes too long increases the chances of visitors on leaving the website.
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