Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking With Fish Tanks

Smoking is a nasty addiction that many of us are still struggling with midlife.
It takes the average smoker about four tries before he or she is successful at quitting.
And according to the American Heart Association, as many as 440,000 deaths per year in the United States can be contributed to smoking.
This number alone should be motivation enough for you to try your hand at quitting.
Follow my tips below and you'll be on your way to dropping this terrible habit.
The very first thing you need to do is realize that you have control over your addiction; it doesn't control you.
You must mentally reinforce this every time you consider purchasing a pack or bumming a cigarette off of a coworker.
Create a list of reasons why you want to quit and keep it handy so that you can refer to it often.
Continually remind yourself of these reasons on a daily basis.
If you've tried to quit numerous times and continually fail, you may want to consider the prescribed medications Wellbutrin and Chantix.
Talk to you doctor to see if you are good candidate.
Each has shown a history of success in regards to helping smokers drop the habit.
Once you've decided to quit smoking, you've got realize that it will be a complete lifestyle change for you.
You can no longer deal with daily stressors by lighting up a cigarette.
Instead you will need to come up with more productive ways to handle your stress.
There are several ways to go about this.
A regular exercise routine is probably the best thing you can do to handle your stress.
Also you may want to purchase some fish tanks for your home.
Research has continually shown that gazing at fish for about 20 minutes per day can dramatically reduce your stress levels, and even your blood pressure.
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